Show I D il e f iry T le leY Y NN f GRAHAM BONNER COh rr 1 LI l EARL AND ALIDA Their names were Earl and amI Alida Allda and llOd they had been named after two lovely children by br these names Earl was a splendid b boy and und Alida Allda was a most attractive e little girl two years ears younger than titan her brother She was four tour years old while he was six But Dut the two I I am urn going to tell teU you about whose names were Earl andAU and AU Allda Alida were two pigeons Their mother had heard the children called by these names when she bad had been In a park one day dare and had thought the children so nice that she had said she was goIn goj go go- j 1 In lag Ing to name her two bah baby pigeons by by- these names There her were other ther pigeons too with I other names but these two proudly I II I bore the names of the children All An the pigeons were having a lovely love love- lovely I ly Iy bath In the morning sunshine The i isun sun was shining brightly and the people people people peo peo- were walking along when wh-en just us as people were passing under some eaves es on the side of a building a great deal I of water fell down on their heads I o Co said said the pigeons this Is fun tun The pe people looked about them for tor the they couldn't couldn't- understand at nt first how the Ole water came down on them when the sun was shining so brightly and nd when It was such a nice clear da day But when they thoy saw the pigeons and the water In the eaves caves thc they remembered remembered that the they had had a heny heavy shower show show- er the evening before and that now the pigeons were bathing up there The Time pigeons hadn't noticed the time peo peo- The They were all enjoying their bathing In the eaves so much that the they didn't notice an anything else And if they had noticed they might have ha thought the they were giving the peo- peo I 0 0 1 I IJ J This Is Fun pie a a. treat In letting them have some of the delightful water to over oyer them too Now Mother Iother Pigeon was talking to her children particularly to her children children children chil chil- dren Karl Earl arl and Alida Allda Alida Allda said her mother be sure you wet your our feathers Now I 1 A good shake There that's the Ute wa way Then the mother pigeon would give herself a n good shaking In the water to show Alida Allda how to do It lt Daddy Pigeon was saying to Earl There Earl That's the wa way Dont Don't be afraid of the water A bath will do you OU good The day Is warm the sun Is shining shinIng shin- shin Ing lug and well we'll get good and warm after after utter aft aft- er this Our feathers will be dry In Inno Inno inno no time I INo No Now v Earl and AlIlIa Pigeon were beIng being being be be- ing told Just how to bathe In the Ole best wa way But It was not hard for them to learn They had lots of fun tun spatterIng spattering sputterIng spatter spatter- Ing each ench other and they played all nil sorts of games It was not long before they hart hall really bathed enough and oh the theman man many man many people who had hied had their little share too of the dropping water which came down eYer every once In awhile so unexpectedly After the they were really through bathIng bathing bathIng bath- bath Ing and had shaken their feathers thc they began to get dry in the hot sun Earl Eurl and Allda Alida Pigeon were quite sleepy after their playing bathing splashing and spattering and the they began begun be gun gan to coo cooer er very softly and und then went to sleep But Just as us they were dozing oil off Mother Pigeon said Perhaps those nice children after whom I have ha named you OU my loves lo will leave some sOllie bread brend crumbs for us some sonic day when thc they go t to the purk park again and when the they see us flying around I Well try to look at them In such sucha a frIen friendly n way ay that the they'll Il he able uhle to recognize you ou two as Earl and AlIda Allda |