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Show vehicle. This may be because its political utterances arouse unforgettable 'interest in view of the "heat of the campaign" and also because political propagandists prop-agandists are always seeking notority through the newspapers. newspa-pers. The fact of the matter is newspapers do not devote enough of their efforts in boosting their communities and their state, and all readers should appreciate the efforts of any rural paper who do their fair share of boosting their home town and its people. Let's forget politics until the time arrives and there is a necessity for it. Its the most disruptive agency in our material, and, in a measure, in our miral programs. Editorial WHERE WOULD WE BE? If newspaper men were to follow the urging of some or their friends. There would be just one thing in their columns politics. The newspapers did not start any war, but it would have been very difficult to have properly presented the case of the good old U. S. A. if it had not been for their patriotic and untiring efforts to present matters mat-ters in the right light. In re- r cruiting, in selling bonds and war stamps, in food saving what would have been the result re-sult if the local newspapers had instead devoted their time and . efforts to partisan politics? Reference is made,, in this contrast, to partisan politics ibe-cause ibe-cause there are a number of people who have an idea a jiewspaper is merely a political |