Show Metal Pouring x 1 e I x r K N 0 f. f C y y The moulten metal being poured from this crucible at one of or Utah's smelters Is the lifeblood life of ot Utah's industrial and business life It requires requires requires re re- quires thousands of or hours of work and the expenditure of millions of dollars to keep this small stream pouring and the crucible hot It has ben estimated that over 47 41 per cent of the tho states state's employed people are dependent directly and indIrect Indirectly upon mining and anti smeltIng smelting smelt smelt- Ing In Utah Hundreds of tons of ore must be mined and shipped to the smelter to provide enough moulten metal to fill the huge crucible pictured above Metal in this form has not yet yet finished its business and industrial fusing usIng PO powers posers ers In fact it is just the beginning After this moulten stream is solidified into bars of crude erode metal it Is shipped outside the state for tor refining Then it again goes into huge plants for tor fabrication Into finished products which are re sold to the public publio Utah is Indeed fortunate in being situated as It Il is in the center of western mining Ores from several sev seve eral surrounding states are sent here for milling and smelting thereby to the states state's payrolls Smelters are continually conducting con eon ducting research to aid the miner and out of these experiments have come some of the greatest advancements advance ance advancements ments in the mining Industry It Itis Itis Itis is safe to say that if the smelting practices of 15 years ears ago were put back into force most of the mines would be forced to close down dawn In recent years many advancements ad have been ma made e making it possible pos sible to produce at a profit a lower lower low low- er grade product thereby Increasing Increasing ing the profitable ore reserves of the mines |