Show Publications council ends Unique era university humor The vanished from the yesterday by order of CS council The counts decision was reached by unan ous vote at a meeting yesterday announced today in a was statement released by President A. The suspension order came as a surprise to staff who were plans for a Christinas issue in acco with decision of the Publications a previous council L H. U librarian m and Publications council stated the action was taken because council members agreed the Unique had served its purpose and felt were not proud to have the magazine represent the feel there is no justification for the magazine's continued he Plans for the merger of the Unique and the campus liter ary into a completely new publication will according to President new which will make its appearance next will include the best qualities of both the Unique and the the statement said in A future Publications council meeting will appoint an editor and business manager for the merged magazine and work out plans for its Kirkpatrick commented that the first issue of the new magazine may appear without revision of the if students like a constitutional revision will be necessary for its continued He added the hope that Unique staff members will apply for positions on the new Outlining the history of the Kirkpatrick commented that the magazine had continually run the risk of on Pen or degenerating into risque joke The Publications recognizing this felt two magazines on the campus were he |