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Show ART TREASURES NOT INSURED For One Reason, No Amount of Monty Ccu!d fJrplace Thos In Brit-. Brit-. , Ich Storehouses. The great National storehouses of art treasures are not Insured, writes a correspondent of the London Dally UaiL No compensation would be forthcoming In case of fire or theft The reason Is that the premiums on the millions of pounds' worth of pictures pic-tures in the National gallery, antiquities antiqui-ties in the British museum, and exhibits exhib-its in the Victoria and Albert museum, muse-um, for Instance, would amount to a very large sum. 'If art galleries and museums Insured In-sured they would have to pay out far larger sums than they receive In admittance ad-mittance charges," said an official of the National Portrait gallery. "The latest apparatus for preventing and detecting fire Is employed, and night watchmen are present." An offlciul of the British museum said: "We have very thorough systems sys-tems of patrolling, and Bpeclal Bremen of our own, who formerly served In the London fire brigade." |