Show meet your friends while in salt babe lake city at the cullen hotel the family hotel COFFEE SHOP sensible prices your millard county headquarters in salt lake city concentrated food in powder form a meal in a capsule will be on sale at the california world s fair townsend club members will have a special day at the california world fair frank beckwith notary public 1 I saw it in the NEWS ANALYSIS is a common expression among enose who keep well informed on current events they know that in the weekly news analysis which appears regularly in this paper they obtain a comprehensive inter pre tation of timely events ably pre pared by joseph W labine student of world affairs and one of the nahon nation s most widely known news analysts analysis WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS pictures history in the making it interprets the significance of national and world developments and is in valuable to the person who wants to know the trend of the t mes 0 read it thoroughly each week in condensed form you will find it both interesting and helpful in discussing world events with your friends and business busine s associates the opening u aa a newly n cleanie ta ameir meant which is now in readiness to sene serie the people of belta delta and surrounding towns all work is absolutes absolu tel guaranteed the new plant is full prepared to handle the most delicate famei months free tee pressing service given each suit sold here making it possible for the individual to be well liell pressed as well as its well dressed at no additional expense R V K A n el CLEANERS C L E N 1 0 S TAILORS FIRST DOOR E ISI OF SOUTHER ELDEN Ifa manager nager delta utah ME E CALL AIND DELIVER SALT LAKES FAVORITE HOTEL 0 LARGE MODERN ROOMS 0 4 FAMOUS restaurants 0 DINE DANCE IN THE NEW MIRROR ROOM FRIDAY SATURDAY headquarters f f 5 f J H wom chuncey W we Nes idest outside ROOMS 2 A each with E 06 41 I 1 42 L A raa va V havnar 11 4 4 blu AND the millard co cu chronicle ch I 1 LJ 0 0 AM clem I 1 year N ALL FOR ONLY 6 aa I 1 A I check the FOUR magazines you like best from the list below and mail or bring coupon below to our office right now lour subscription to this newspaper will be EXTENDED one full 3 year car and you will receive the FOUR magazines you select for the FULL TEEM mentioned below select TWO magazines from group A and TW 0 from group B 11 MAIL THIS COPON TODAY GROUP all A select 2 magazines GROUP select 2 magazines home arts needlecraft ayrs 2 yrs american I 1 ruit grobi grower er 1 ayr yr household magazine ayrs 2 yrs american poultry journal I 1 lv v 11 womans omans 11 world orld 2 yrs breeders gazette I 1 ift A good stories ars 2 yrs good stories 1 ayr r Sc ar 1 the country home I 1 ayr yr pathfinder 11 weekly beekly ayr 1 yr cloverleaf Cloer Clower leaf american review I 1 yr motion notion picture magazine ayr 1 yr farm journal farmers 11 ife 1 ayr yr mccalips magazine ayr 1 yr home arts needlecraft I 1 yr romantic Eo mantic story magazine ayr 1 yr home I 1 alend 1 yr open road for boys ayr leghorn 11 orld ayr yr screen book I 1 ayr r mothers home life ayr yr true confessions I 1 yr pathfinder 11 weekly 26 issues better homes gardens 1 yr plymouth rocla monthly I 1 ayr yr alli saher er screen 1 yr successful farming ayr yr modern romances Eo mances I 1 yr poultry tribune ayr yr american boy 8 mos womans 11 orld ayr yr american girl 8 mos national livestock producer 1 yr parents magazine G 0 mos christian herald 6 mos MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY chronicle date 19 delta utah I 1 accept your our generous offer enclosed is IN 11 FULL for a full year subscription to your news newspaper and also for the FOUR magazines checked in the list above signed address 4 i |