Show THE jafs IN HISTORY history has dealt heavily wit t ie is jewish lace they have been a peo pie without flag or country and have notwithstanding maintained their home all over the globe thele have been many times in the past when the jews have faced extermination when they have been forced to flee and have been perse buted and spat upon but however severe the treatment tre ament the darkest hour for the jewish race is lighted by the fact that they with the chi nese are the two oldest peoples in the world they have lived to write their story of persecutions and down tall fall and then of the downfall of the people who them no doubt due to their wanderings and particularly to their persecutions they have grown into solidarity very closely tied the one to the other un der their sufferings the future of the jew in ger many austria and italy is uncertain and is likely to be a trial and tribu lation but howedel the outcome it is certain that they will rie ri e to again have hake much of the worlds wealth in that is the main reason why they are hated are wealthy there are various criticisms re garding the jewish race but antol erance arance has been a human trait as wit jew vs arab and our large array of other religious quarrels while we write no brief for the jews there is not a trait which they have that many others don t emulate and much of our hatred is because as a class they make good while we wish we could the other side isn t altogether flawless witness a recent touch in germany when for the death at the hand of a jew jews were assess ed 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 |