Show fo your spring wardrobe e mt 1453 1442 it ank 1389 INS 9 4 4 e 04 0 0 0 AM a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a that not only satisfy ayour your present craving for something new and spring like but also look ahead to a later season too make them yourself at home for very much less than you usually spend on clothes you 11 find it very easy to do with the sew chart that nies each pattern corseletti Cor waistline if you have a slim figure this is the afternoon dress for youl you I 1 the fullness over the bust the sleeves cut in one with the shoulders and the lifted waistline are lust just as flattering as they can bel it s the kind of dress you can wear to bridges luncheons meetings meeting st and for every afternoon occasion with the assurance that it is not only smart but becoming slenderizing house frock especially designed for full fig ures this house frock follows straight tailored lines and fits beautifully you can get into it in nothing flat and it doesn doean t take long to make either thanks to the complete and detailed sew chart that comes with your pattern make it up in a pretty small figured printed percale and trim it with rows of old fashioned rick rack A frilly home cotton this is perfectly char charming ming made up in dotted swiss voile or dimity in some flower like color like delicate blue or pink or sunshiny clear yellow with sheer white collar and cuffs its ideal for slim figures nice to wear around the house now and per feet to wear anywhere later on during summer afternoons the patterns 1442 is designed for sizes 12 14 16 18 and 20 40 and 42 size 14 requires 3 yards of 39 inch ma tenal 1389 is designed for sizes 38 36 38 40 42 4 44 46 48 50 and 52 size 38 requires 4 yards of 35 or 39 inch material 3 yards of braid 1453 is designed for sizes size s 12 14 16 18 and 20 size 14 requires 4 yards of 39 inch material plus I 1 yard contrasting 2 yards edging send your order to the sewing circle pattern dept new montgomery ave san francisco franciscoo calif patterns 15 cents in coins each TH ERES THE FUEL A e NEW RAND M H THOMPSON manager hotel salt lake city s popular med urn priced hotel located at ath south and man ma n 11 1 1 11 because 0 cedar not only oaly dean cleans as it polishes but preserves your furniture feeds the finish prevents drying out cracking insist upon 0 cedar polish for furniture w woodwork d k and d boors ea 0 cedar mop 1 fill 0 1000 it een SY OEM W INSTANT LIGHTING Col emanil EATING iron mabe make ironine ironing a quicker easier and ona nor more pleasant task iron the casar war a col man mm the genuine instant lighting iron just turn torn ov a valve alve strike a match and it lights in st brantly an t 13 r T h e coleman h e a ts I 1 jiffy Is quickly ready e d y for f or use u s s operates t e s for f or 34 an hour seer sew xea your deal dealer er or write tor for FREE FOLDER THE COLEMAN LAMP AND STOVE CO dept D O 0 M W ch ta en kann ch 11 I 1 I 1 raw b fa ps I 1 lo 10 annaies Us RU advertising iVER is as essen Q ai bial to business as is rain rain to growing crops it is the ke key stone in 10 the arch of successful I 1 merchandising let us show you bow hom to apply it to your business |