Show FEDERAL E BAK BASK REPORT twelfth district business waa was con cot sider ably more active in march than in february both industry and trade shojun show ing larger than seasonal gains lad lael of rains rallis in some parts of the di did not seriously affect the condition of planted crops or ure live ranges during march but a it sl cortage of irrigation water ith in call foisia anticipated this season A de rease in farm arm prices from mid march tot mid april occurred industrial employment increased by more than the seasonal amount dur ing march dally daily average sales of department depart meat store were 20 per cent coat higher in NI erch than in rebr february uary automobile sales also algo expended expanded more than la to cu customary in march money rates were wore re reduced incel slightly altho most crops h ve not yet been adversely affected b lack of moisture the outlook tor for irrigation water in the season and arid for forage on summer ranges Is poor in arizona utah nevada and south ern idaho rainfall continued cefic detic lent and a shortage of water for live stock is currently reported from sev eral sec sections tiong arost damage was s confined to minor losses V inter wheat was in much better condition on april I 1 than on the same day last lait year spring arhea was sown under good condition conditions and tl if a e early growth has been good the california wheat crop has deter lar aled since april I 1 and unless rains aie ale received shortly the final out come will be considerably leas less than thau the april 1st forecast receipts of butter and eggs in creased from february Febri pary to march and I 1 butter prices declined from to in mid april an increase in de mand for butter for storage was reported and on april 20 the price as 0 f ranges in utah arizona nevada ind southern idaho were beginning to show the effect of lack of rainfall by early april marketing of cattle increased during march industrial activity increased dur ing march and was higher in that month than at any time in the past two years reports of increasing sales in d department part ment stoies were received from all parts of the district and most cities approached the highest level in two years there was a sharp increase in au an bales especially in the corn com mercial vehicle sales Z ho leale commodity prices declined by bk mid april the credit sit att nation Is easy hundreds of thousands of the ru ral families who are in the relief roll are without a cow which of in charge of the relief work say is the reason they are on the relief roll |