Show 2 r j t t t tl nsf t f 44 1 40 1 t WA t u AJ ka aa n standard oil company now brings CITY SERVICE TO HOMES gasis is now ava available Hable to country homes everywhere by installations of standard flamo an epoch making household convenience ve veni ence no gas mains immediate installation stal lation economical safe fast clean this means that you can now enjoy the advantages of a gas range quick heating gas plates and other modem gas conveniences such as water heater refrigerator lights and mch individual vidual room heaters in your own home wherever you live immediately I 1 four out of five city families use gas because it is the quickest and the chea cheapest I 1 no cos gas mains immediate service I 1 standard flamo service does not require the laying of any gas mains A simple gas pipe connection between an approved kitchen gas stove and a steel container housed out of doors in a neat metal cabinet is all there is to it I 1 standard flamo is easy to use quick economical standard flamo means clean kitchens easy cooking and water heating quick breakfasts no fires to lay housekeeping without kitchen drudgery and ECONOMY standard flamo name gas is the latest service offered to pacific coast householders by the standard oil company of california arrange for the standard flamo representative to call on you when covering the section near your home these ranges approved for use of standard gs made by gaffers sattler loe los angeles amgeles HOLBROOK sold merrill angeles SPARK made by clammer bray co oakland WESTERN made by western stove co culver city these dealers will wall gladly explain al DJ stevens co coo for details send in the COUPON lelow below or ash ask any standard oil ott representative about alp ilp BEG REG U S PAT OFF nail this coupon to S STANDARD T A N D A R D 0 OIL 1 L C COMPANY 0 M P AN Y 0 OF F CALI california IF 0 RN I 1 A bush street san francisco california please send information about standard C i 4 FLAMO city gaa gas for country homes nama address |