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Show NGurFeni'L., DOMESTIC NOTE 4 "I'oor Mrs. Jones I" sighed the sympathetic sym-pathetic neighbor. "She must lead an awful life. She tells rne her husband hus-band hasn't u single fault ; he is a per- t feet man." " "But that should make her happy 1" ' "ot any Why, what on earth, i could she have to keep up a convef'sa- J tlon with him?" . y J Up to the Minute. . "So your son Bill is going to law school?" asked a neighbor of Fanner j furlelgh. r "Yep," answered the farmer. "But he don't pay no attention to his books. I reckon mebhe he's goin' to be one f of these unwritten lawyers I've read s. about." ",. j An Appropriate Title. Perklus-I wonder why they named 'g this picture thenter the Beehive? t Parkin Have you ever seen any of their pictures? s "Never." : "Well, if you ever do you'll know the reason, all right, because after each one you feel as though you'd been stung I" London Answers. No Chance Left. "I think he must be a hopeless fall- lire." ' I "Hopeless? Has lie tried many tilings." . I "Everything. Even to the writing of moving picture scenarios." .; , 1 ' "And failed at that?" "Absolutely." f "t does seem that there Is nothing left for him." & T.M. INVITATION TO THE DANCE "Shades of Chesterfield! What ar Invitation to the dance." .... ) "What did the young man say t I the girl, Colonel?" j " 'Corns on, kid, let's Jazz. " 1 ) Misleading Applause. The orator tha publln notes And to applause is stirred: And yet some chap will get tin vote Who scarcely said a word. Ma Butts In. "Pa, whHt do they mean by going from the sublime to (lie ridiculous?" asked Clarence. ! "It means a girl dreams of marrying some wonderful prince and then goes and lies herself up to a boob like j your fnl her," snapped mn. Mllwuukee Sentinel. - r 1 i Poor Mary. "Mamma, why do they wax people?" : "They don't; where did you get that IdPH?" i "I heard uncle tell papa that at midnight mid-night the party waxed Mury." Service. "Not many old-fashioned housekeeper. housekeep-er. left," declared the grocer. "No?" "No. Some of our customers expect os to supply dyed eggs for them." The Ubiquitous Female. She (during argument) You must not forget Hint Truth is a womnn. Ho Well, so Is untruth, for that matter. She What do you menu. He You've heard of Misrepresent, haven't you? r-trivlrg s Pteaso. Fnslidious Inner I want roust chicken. Make sure It's yot:ng and tender. Oh, and ree that you bring me a leg. Walter Yes. sir! right or left leg, sir? A Silent Yell. "So you're a graduate of a burglar's allege?" "Yep." "What's your college yell?" "Sh-h-!" That Much Settled. t "If you don't like this one, why don't you change barbers':" "Tills one bus become reconciled to the fact that 1 won't buy any Imlr restorer." re-storer." Incorrigibly Teacher (to literary elnss Now, glv; me sonic word like henninn.'" First Pupil I.ci'.ew. Second lMtto I'edntli. Third IHtto PcsMiitter. Fourth Ditto i;e,;orru ! . According to Quality. Flubh Brnwn paid $:T for one of his photographs. IiiIIj Wasn't thnt rather steep? Flubh Not at all I It happened te be a snapshot of himself kissing a bathing beauty at the bench! t |