Show REPORT made to the BANK commissioner OF THE STATE OF UTAH of the condition of the STATE BANK OF MILLARD COUNTY located at fillmore city in the county of millard state of utah at the close of business on oil the day of june 1928 RESOURCES loans and disco discounts ants overdrafts stocks bonds and securities etc bank house furniture and fixtures other real estate owned due from other banks exchanges from clearing house I 1 I 1 checks on other banks in same town cas cash it items gold silver currency total cash on hand TOTAL liabilities capital stock paid in surplus fund undivided profits 22 7 5 5 2 due to other banks deposits subject to check cashiers checks dividends unpaid total demand Deposits time certificates savings deposits total time deposits cash over 2021 TOTAL contingent liabilities on account of endorsements indorsements Indor of tills this bank none notes and dills bills Re discounted with federal reserve bank none notes and bills Re dIscounted other tha than n with federal reserve bank none foreign blis of exchange or drafts guaranteed by tills this bank and not otherwise shown under discounts none STATE OP OF UTAH county of millard claude robins being first duly sworn according to law depo deposes cs and says that lie Is abst cashier of the above named bank that the above 0 and foregoing report contains a full true and correct statement of the condition ot of the said batik bank at the close of business on the ath day of july 1928 claude robins A cashier subscribed and sworn to before me this ath day of july 1928 W D melville county clerk SEAL correct attest daniel stevens A frank paxton parker robison directors director STATE OF 01 U UTAH TAIT office of bank commissioner 1 I seth paxton bank commissioner of the state slate of utah do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a full true and correct copy of the statement of the above named company tiled filed in III my offlie this alth day of july 1928 seth bank commissioner |