Show the million dollar s ra 1 dy by HAROLD MAC GRATH illustrated from scenes in the photo drama of the same name by the film company copyright 1914 by harold SYNOPSIS liar greave millionaire after a mira culot in escape from tile the den of 0 tho I 1 ho frans ng of V thieves known IB an the vt I 1 ack hundred lles lives tile alm lite life of at a recluse for foi eighteen years vile one filsht enters a 11 roadway restaurant antl and there comes fane to face with the gangs leader braidt after th the meeting during which no neither nian ti I 1 apparently L recognizes khz the ot ether her ila rg r tave hurries to its ills criag home tint and lays ais plans for limiting his escape from the country countr tr IN il writes a letter to the girie school ili III now new jersey where elg hleen yeura years b before fo r lip lie hall hail left ni it the doorstep tits his baby laughter daughter florence yi orence ariy ray lie ile also pays it a visit to tile th of a dart devil aviator a anil lid members of tits his band surround roll nd i aven horne home tit at but v s ahe t h ey inter tile house tile tho watchers rs atallo ti lee a beloon leave the roof the th P sa cufr f in f found 0 und empty the million will which h r ave was wa known to liae have brawn tint day wits kone gone then some ohp her rino tile balloon had been pu n ei t v il arvi dropped drupp eil into the lie sen sea II 11 a rg reaves arrives from tile frail chool Prin princess cesi olka olga s companion visits tier her and balms to I 1 be a re relative active two bogus dei deter te bertle ter tle bem all but their plot lii Is foiled ty by norton a man diun 11 captain of tile hie crip orient lit norton go n ar ym it a trap for braille fill and ills trails indess olga also visits the orienta Orien rl taits tB captain and slie she easily falls into the reporters snare the plan fu proves r 0 a bontio through Il rainen rood good dutli c alves nn and d hireling fall into t alie 11 e ba hanan of hie e oft after falling po I 1 in their first attempt the 11 k I 1 hundred trap Pl florence orence they ask tier her a for money wit but title alie escapes mill a ili foll ng them CHAPTER V continued it vs as midnight when he made his departure As aa lie stepped into the street lia ha glanced about cautiously on the corner he saw a policeman swin swinging glug ills night stick otherwise the street was as deserted draine brains proceeded jauntily down the street and yet from rom the darkened doors ot of the house across the way vay the figure of a man mail emerged and stood contemplating the windows ot of the Pe Perl BOft apartment suddenly tile the lights went ent out I 1 ahe he NN atelier made no effort to follow bragne the knowledge lie he was vaa after did not any buch procedure of course florence clorence read the per monal site she took the newspaper at once to jones who smiled grimly you see aee I 1 trust you and so BO long as you ou continue to trust me no harm will befall you you veye left f n V care by your father I 1 urn ain to guard boint tv u expense of 0 my life last nights affair was vaa a miracle file next time you ion will not flat find it so en aay easy to escape nor did she ahe 1 I there here will be no next neat time gravely dut but I 1 am going to ask ak you ou a direct buc stion Is my father olivey the butlers brow puckered 1 I have promised to say nothing one way nay or the other she laughed wily why do you laugh 1 I laugh because U lie he were dead there would be no earthly reason for your not saying baing so at once hut but I 1 late hate money the name of 0 it the sound of it the sight bight of it it Is at the bottom of all wars vare and crimes I 1 despise ill the loot foot of all evil yet it performs many noble liable deeds ileedis but never mint mind the money let us give our attention to tills this personal doubtless it originated in tile the same mind which the letter your father would nevor never have inserted such a per bonal what give his enemies a chance to learn liis his be fc ecret cret no on the other hand I 1 want you to show this Terso personal nul tu all you vo 1 akl the reporter to everybody TOR talk about i say that you wonder r hat you ell do trust no one wit with it your real thoughts not even you mr tones jones thought the girl as she ahe nodded and tell them that you showed it to rae me awl that thai I 1 appeared worried that night there was a meeting of the organization called the black alun dred braine asked it anyone knew what the hargreave Harg Ilar reavo greave butler looked like 1 I had a glimpse of him the other night but being unprepared I 1 might not recognize him again described jones minutely uraine could almost see tile the portrait 11 roon that memory of yours is worth a lot of money was lite only comment 1 I hope it 11 will be worth more mora soon 1 I believe ill be able to recognize mr jones it if I 1 see him who la is lis lie and what la Is he ile he has been with Ilar greave for 14 yearn yeam ahert was a homicidal caso case in which jones was active hargreave saved him ile he la Is faithful and uncommunicative munica tive money will not touch hint him it if he be does know where that million la is tint hot irons frons could not make him own up to it the che only ways way la to watch him follow fallow him watt wait for tile the moment when hell grow careless no man mail Is always on his mettle lie ho lets up sooner or later ile he la Is being watched as you know nodded approvingly the captain of the tramp s el eainer earler orient by tile ha way wua vas acen wit elih a roll or of money lie he was yn OPS ilia a 0 the water aront saloons bt how low be had some nonie one old aw w way say where he d got the ah h P F k d brane brains they pump hill on that wt it he shut up well we have agreed gitil 1 alton bia wath wat h bom the street and orloff from the window orloff will whistle 1 it he sees bees jones jonea removing anything from any of the hie rooms the rest will be left to felton and felton my friend sat said d bragne softly ho he always spoke softly when lie he was in ili a deadly humor pelton you slept on oil duty the other night hargreave Har Ilar greavu greave stole up consulted jones and got away atter after knocking we nio down tile the next failure will aili mean short abort shift lie ile warned 1 I saw only you sir air so help me I 1 was as not asleep I 1 saw you run down tile the street after the taxicab I 1 did not see bee anyone else braine shrugged remember shat ahat isaid I 1 said felton bowel bowed respectfully and duade lis hie exit lie he wished lit in hit his sou soul hat lie might some day catch the master mind free of its ills eternal mask it was waa an all iron hand which ruled went th ein and there were fi leads friends of ills his Fel tons who hat mysteriously vanished after a brief period of rebellion ill the boss bos was it a swell probably belonged to clubs and society which ho adroitly pilfered tile the always had money whenever them was a desperate job to be undertaken simply poured out the money necessary necess nry to promote it 11 whenever braille i became engaged in earnest they talked slav braine was never called by name here the br s simply that well ten per cent of a million was a hundred thousand this would be ba equally divided between the second ten tell ot of tile the black hundred another ten per cent would go to 80 members tile the balance would be divided between and the boss hut but his fits soul rebelled at being ordered about like so much dirt under another mans feet lie ho would take his 1119 ten tell thousand and make the grand getaway tile the next afternoon tile the princess called upon florence nothing was said about the adventure and tills this fact created it a vague unrest in the scheming womans comans mind she realized that site she must play tier her cards more carefully than ever not the least distrust must be permitted to enter the childs head once that happened goodby good by to the wonderful emeralds was it that sho really craved the stone was it riot not rather a venom acquired from tile the knowledge that tills this childs mother hall had won wait what she herself lier self with all her bar cleverness was not sure of Bral ties love did he really care for her or was she elie only the to pluck his lot hot chestnuts front from the ire fire when florence showed her hat the personal bonn V tier her vague doubts become in dantly tant ly dissipated tile the child would florence liked him not have shown tier hor the newspaper had there been any distrust on tier her part my aly chlud your father io 0 o alive then animatedly we dont know sadly badly why I 1 should soy by that this ills proves droves it oil in the contrary it proves nothing of the sort since office I 1 have rit at to tits coer a treasure in this I 1 use I 1 have hunted lit in every noo drawer ive searched for panels looked in trunks for false bottoms bot toma nothing nothing ali ah if I 1 could only find it ali and what would you do with it take it at once to some gome bank lint nal offer the whole bole of it for the ilia safe return of roy my fattier falli or every penny of it I 1 dont know wb what at to do which way to 0 o turn tears gathering in her eyes arid and they were tears too chere are millions in ili stocks mil bonds and I 1 cannot touch a penny of it because tile the legal documents docu menta have not been found I 1 cant even prove that I 1 am his bis daughter except for halt ber an old bracelet and my hither fat herti lawyers fly y that that would not hold lit in any court you were born in st petersburg my illy dear dea r have the embassy there look up the birth registers that would not put me into posses sion afon nothing but the return ot of my fattier father will avail me and theres there B a horrible thought always of 0 my iny not flat being his real daughter theres there B no doubt in my mind I 1 have only to recall Kat kastrinas face to know whose child you are lint but what hat will you ou live on ona hero was waa it a far greater than hian site had calculated upon supposing after all it was only at a resemblance that the child was not hargreaves a substitute just to blind tho the black hundred to 10 keep them away from roni the true daughter liar her mind grow grew bewildered over till suh ch possibilities ties the single and only way wa to settle battle all doubts was wan to make this child a prisoner it she bhe was liar greaves true daughter he would come out ot of tits his lil hiding ding site she heard florence answering her question there Is a surn sum ot of ten ora twelve telo thou thousand BRud in the Hi Ri verdale bank under the he control of my fat fathers tiers but ler after that Is gone I 1 dont know what will happen to us susan and me the door of miss Far farlow lows s will at al ways be open to you florence replied susan with love lobe in ili liar her eyes this thin interesting conversation u waa as interrupted by the advent of norton lie ile was always dropping in ili during the late afternoon hours florence liked film for two reasons one was that jones trusted him to a certain extent and the other was that that she liked him she finished this bell tence fence in ili her heart defiantly antly today toda lie he brought her a box of beau roses and at the sight eight of them the princess smiled limited faintly raint ly set the wind in that quarter sho she could havo have laughed hero here was her revenge against this meddler who took no particular notice at 0 liar her while florence was waa lit in the room she would encourage him poor poor grubbing newspaper news piper writer with lie his beggarly pittance what chance had lie he of marrying this girl with wilh mil fall liona within reach of lier her hand the peculiar thing about this was that norton was entertaining the same thought at the same time what earthly chance had lie he in the second story window of the house over the way there was a wor ried limn ayn but when lie his glares brought in ili rache rang the true contents ot of the box lie he laughed sardonically tills this watching la Is getting ili my goat I 1 smell a rat every time I 1 see a shadow lie he wiped the of his opera glasses and pro proceeded ceedee to toll roll a cigarette when the princess and norton went away jones jonea stole quietly up to florences florence 6 room and throw up tho the curtain two round points ot light flashed from the watchers window but the saturnino smile on oil jones lips was not ob served ile he went to tile the door opened it cautiously a hand to hla his ear car then lie he closed the door turned back the rug and removed a section of the fligor flooring ang out or of this cavity lie he raised a 0 box there was lettering on the lid in fact tile the name of its owner stanley liar greave jones replaced the flooring tucked the box under ills his arm and made his hie exit the inan bian I 1 lounging in the shadow heard a faint whistle it was the big signal agreed upon the man mail felton ran across the street and boldly rang the bell it was only then that florence missed the ever present butler er she hesitated then sent susan to the door 1 I must see BOO mr air jones upon vitally important business ile he aas gone out said susan and very verv Ben sensibly sibly closed the ilia door before Feito s root foot succeeded in getting in bide it was time to act lie he rin ran around to the fear ip ir the ladder convinced him that jones I 1 ones had tricked hint him ile he was wild with rage ile ho was wall over the wall in an instant away down tho the back strict street ills eye ee discovered lite hie nian inan in full light flight ile he gave chase As lie he came to the first corner lie he was nearly nearl v knocked over by a man coming the lite 0 ther other way wa who are you bumping into gro growled NIed felton not so fast felton who the devil are you the stranger made a sign which felton instantly recognized quick what has happ happened ned 9 jones has the ilia million and la Is male mak ing ills his getaway sea him liking hiking toward the water front franty the two men began to run there followed a thrilling chase jones engaged a motorboat and it was wae sp seaward when the two pursuers auers arrived they were not laggard there was another boat and they made tor for it A hundred it if you overtake that boat said seltona Fel tona tons strange companion felton eyed him thoughtfully there was something familiar about that voice grent great plumes of water shot up into tho the air it did not prove a short race by b any menns means it took halt half an hour for the pursuer to overhaul the pur sued if that jones yes yea felton fired his revolver into the air in hopes of terrifying jones engineer but there was ive five hundred dangling before that individuals eyes byca let them got get a little nearer shouted the butler the engineer alneer cn let down the speed a notch the other boat crept up within twenty yards ards honec sought a perfect range lange lie ile would have to find tills this e spot pot again surrender yelled felton in ili reply jonar raised the precious box bon and deliberately dropped it into the soil BUO theu then he be turned hin bli auto matic upon lila fits pursuers and succeeded in setting their bout boat afire all title within the space of an hour during dinner that night there was now a cook jones walked about the dining table rubbing tits his hands handa io together from time to time jones said florence hl orence why do you rub your hands like that was I 1 rubbing my illy hands handa silas florence lie asked innocently 1 CHAPTER VI did iou get tile the rangy asked t the L countess couii toss when late that night brall dealno 0 recounted ills his adventure ll ango lie enar snarled led my girl I 1 just told you that I 1 had to light for my life my boat was lit in flani flames vs we had to swim for it till we were picked up tip by a long island bargo barge tug ing I 1 dont know what became of the |