Show NEWS SUMMARY OP OF IMPORTANT happenings IN FAR OFF NORTHWEST ITEMS FROM THE OLD HOME resume of the most important events in sweden norway and denmark of interest Int erett to the scandinavians in america NORWAY A bit of tho history of norway has just been correct corrected dd everybody in norway Is familiar with the statement that premier chelen Ml wired bjorn son to keep ills hla mouth shut the ath of 0 june 1905 tile tho date ot of the dissolution of tho the union or of norway and sweden by the norwegian the statement worked admirably during that aba t dangerous crisis and the real author did not care to spoil the etory by giving the facts exactly ten years later the real story was told by mr clet an editor in bergen lift his correction la Is as aa follows at I 1 june 7 1 took a trip uptown to feel tile the pulse of the public near the park promenade prom ellade I 1 met tile the late nils houge an ardent admirer of bjornson lie accosted me in the following language but lie he grand llave have you seen whitt what bjornson wired from rome to chelsen Ml now we have to stick together 11 jornson had written many unwise things that year and in a fit of I 1 happened to say now it Is time for hlin him to keep keel ills mouth shut the quick wit led nils houge at once daiv tile the point all and proposed that we put the two statements lit in our paper accordingly we sat down to our in the grand cafe garden and prepared the following for the paper rome home june 7 premier chelsen Ml All now we have to stick together ill bjornson june 7 1905 13 bj 11 jornson rome home now you ou better keep your our mouth shut Ml Alli chelsen tile the whole stunt was intended as a joke hut but tile the joke proved to be so pit pat that in spite of all denials and protests from tile the alleged authors it spread sp r ead in norway and foreign countries and later lit in the summer it became really unpleasant because the swedish newspapers began to dilate on oil tile the shut abut your mouth policy of Al Ml chelsen icholsen these are the plain facts by the death of 11 L brakstad norway has lust lost one of her most valuable representatives abroad for a great many years he lived in london and by ills his contributions to the engew press he introduced the works or of th tb great poets poeta ot of norway to the world bjornson used to boast that lie he himself represented norway in europe but it was rarely mentioned that this his was possible largely th through roligh the efforts of brakstad in later years edmund gosse an englishman became tile the recognized zed authority on an ibsen and ll bjornson jornson in the english speaking world but brak atad was ills his teacher and indispensable counsellor all the textile factories I 1 in n chris have been compelled to reduce redu e weir their output on account of a general lack of dyestuffs dyes dye tufts stuffs some of them have been closed down altogether representatives senta tives of the leading wms hns made appeals to the gernian german gavern government tr ent tc pei permit mil the exportation ot of dyestuffs dye stuffs to norway but all in vain binally t the le government war wae induced to tako take a hand in ill tile the matter and then tile the gen german govern government men t permitted tho the exportation por tation or of 76 75 tons ot of albil aniline ine to norway which will ellabe the cotton and mills to continue their work for another month ond a half 0 the tagging of halt has revealed some remarkable migrations among the finny tr tribes ibee on july IS 18 1 1914 a tag bearing the number was attached to a codfish at bear island in the arctic ocean and reb feb 26 1916 1915 the same earno fish was caught at bodo norway last spring two other bishea tagged at the place and date first mentioned were caught stilt still carthel south namely one at rost host and one at Aale sund these migrations indicate indIca tf that the codfish spend at least part ot of the summer on the extensive banks bankson sol ol 01 the arctic ocean e only two persons in bott both of them widows now hold retail licenses for life now it Is 19 proposes propose that the city buy their rights one 0 them to receive tile the 0 ther other a year for or life the Nor norwegian eglan brewers Ur union ha offered a prize of for the bes malt b barley arley raised in norway tho the peoples higi school at the historic hundorp farrr stead was dedicated u short time agi had been sent to abou sixty guests who ho were received biti lii an address of welcome hy by the prine pat pal Stal irl president dum or tb ti castberg Cas lberg responded on I 1 6 halt of Pro provincial vinCIL governor it I also made a address nd adil dress ress in ill which lit he recalled th events anta which took place pta e at chen saint olav was king of norbo no 0 o years yeara ago there was it a gIl ivri in 10 tilt hit evenly even lg gw |