Show I 1 1 l 5 A year of B tho year 1903 will long bo be remembered in ill tile the home of F N tacket of AU A ianco ky ICY us a 11 year of blood which flowed so cu copiously piously f from rom mr jackets Tuck Tack ets lungs 0 that death seemed very near ile ho writes severe bleeding ta from the itin lungs 9 sand and it a frightful cough had brought me at deaths death door when I 1 beran began 0 taking in dr kings M now Disco discovery discovers verv for consumption with the astonishing ishiba n result that after taking four bottles I 1 was completely ro re stored and its as time had proven permanently cured guaranteed for sore lungs coughs and colds 0 ads at C W Fram drug artig store price aud 1 00 trial bottle free il mothers lothers with lit little tle chialdi children ell need no 1011 longer r four felir croup colds cold or hooping cough boos bees laxative cough cotich syrup t tastes bistes good 1 Is work borka off the cold through in 0 the kic bowels cuts the phlegm c VI the hend head for young P 11 and nd old guaranteed secure si it bottle ot ni once sold ly by milfurd liard drug co had a close 6 call iii A dangerous surgical ion 1 involving 0 the removal of a malignant mali 0 anant ulcer as largo 0 as my m y hand from my daught daughters ePs ji hip 1 lp way was crevon prevented ted by the application of Buc buckless klens arnica salvo says A C stickle of miletus Vili lotus W vi va I 1 persistent use of tile the salvo completely cured it cures cuts burns and Li injuries juries 2 sou 5 e la at t 0 W V frampton druggist 11 za s I 1 1 r A illi recommends Chamberl dio i joi ili wo we have S cough conkli in ill our hoine for seven cars icil and it has alwa v proven provell to hu ho a nl rell iulo ablo amody we have found that it would do MOM than tile the manufacturers claim for fol it I 1 t i is especially good for croup and hooping ough ile kev v J james athes A lowis lewis pastor millica milaca I 1 I 1 minn 11 E church chamberlains Chamberlain 8 cough keledy is is sold by G it I made happy for life great happiness canic came into the homo home of S 0 blair school sup sp ern ende ailt at st albans W va when his little bauff daughter liter was re from tile tho dreadful complaint lie ho names me he says my little daug daughter had st vitus dance which yielded to no treatment hut but grow steadily worse un till til as a ilist resort wo we tried elect ric bitters and I 1 rejoice to say three bottles effected it a complete cure quick sure curo cure for nor ner complaints general debility female weaknesses impoverished blood and malaria guaranteed by 0 W Pram Fram drug store price 3 instructive interesting correct english how to use it A monthly magazine ma 0 azine devoted to tho use of english JOSEPH JOSEPHINE INri TURCK BAKER editor partial contents course in grammar how to increase one s vocabulary the art of conversation shall and will should and would I 1 how ow to use them pronunciations lations iati ons century diction a ary ry correct english 0 in the home eloine correct english ra in the school I 1 what at to say and what not to say course in letter W writing and punctuation twenty daily drills business english n for the business I 1 I 1 man compound words how flow to write them studies in english literature AGENTS WANTED 1 00 a year send 10 cents for sample copy CORRECT ENGLISH 6 evanston HI |