Show HAD AN ARR TIME dot N chamberlains calic ok ch lerr ler riDd ui diarrhoea T remedy cured him i it t is with pleasure that I 1 give rivo you yot this unsolicited test testimonial nion ja I 1 about a year ago when I 1 had bad it a severe case of me isles I 1 got caught 0 out in a hard rain and th the e measles 1 settled in my stomach it and bowels I 1 lial had au an awful time and had it not been lor for the use of chamberlains colio cholera and diarrhoea remedy I 1 could coul d not have possibly lived but a few hours knoer longer M but thanks to this I 1 tim om now strong and well I 1 have written the above through simple gratitude and I 1 shall always speak a good word for this remedy sam H gwin concord G ga 1 I for sale alo ay by iy G R huntsman 1 summer coughs and colds cold yield at once to bees laxative cot nouh joh syrup contains honey and tar aut b ut no opiates child children roil like il 1 pleasant pheasant to take its laxative al qualities milic s recommend it to mothers hoarseness coughy coughs croup yield quickly sold by Nj millard illard drug drog oo 00 0 0 some one to put up one hundred d red acres of wild hay at olear clear lake will give three fifths for putting up or sell all reasonable so for fu further arther particulars see or write to H J T bond superintendent at clear lake rea read d your home paper the she mud kind you rave have A always bought and which has been in use for over 30 years lias has borne the signature of and has been made under his personal aa 4 40 A supervision sine since its infancy W allow no one to deceive you in all counterfeits imitations and 44 just as good are but experiments that trifle with and endanger the off of infants and Chil children dreu experience exper jence lence against experiment 6 mahat io P A 1 castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil off paregoric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant PleW sant 16 14 contu contains ins neither opium morphine nor other marcotle narcot Narco tle substance its ago age is its guarantee it destroys worms and allays feverishness it cures diarrhoea and wind colic it relieves teething troubles cures constipation and flatulency it assimilates the alio food boods regulates the stomach and dowels bowels giving healthy and natural sleeps sleep the childrens pana panacea cea tho the mothers mother V friend r N U I 1 19 F up ASTORIA AST ORIA v bears the 81 9 baure b of ir the EM d you yon i have Y n vii ave always alwayn U bought films w in use for over SO 30 years THE CENTAUR COMPA TT sinter new CV crry for a an u impaired Appet appetite ijo t to improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion try a few doses of chamberlain stomach and liver tablets ur mr J H of detroit mich says they restored my appetite when w hen impaired re leaved no me of it a bloated feeling and caused a pleasant and satisfactory r movement of the bowels price 25 cents samples S am p les free G R huntsman |