Show dreb 5 31 nearly everyone every one likes a fine hair dressing something to make the hair snore more manageable to keep it from being too rough or from splint splitting tang at 0 the ends something too that will feed the hair at the same time a regular hair food well fed hair will be strona an d will remain where it belongs on the head not on the comb I 1 tho the best kind hind of a testimonial monta sold tor for over years ll 11 man na alz toy J 0 ayar oo 00 I 1 A jaro t or of 9 SARSA sarsaparilla PAMLIA AN Is faed ape PILLS iff V CHERRY PECTORAL V nw core care for epilepsy 7 sr yb ja waterman of watertown 0 rural free delivery writer write my dalia tighter titer afflicted for years will wilh epil epilepsy epy ws mis cured by dr finals new life pills she has not b bul ad an attack for over two years best body cleansers and life giving 0 tonic pills on earth at 0 W Fram drug store catarrh cannot be cured with LOCAL APPL applications us as they cannot reacia the seat scat of tho the disease catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies halls hallos oat catarrh alrh cure is taken inte internally mally and acts direct lyon y on the blood and mucus surfaces halls cilta catarrh arh gure gore is not a quack medicine it was pre scriben scribed by one of nhe best physicians ceans iii it this abis in this country for years and is a regular g apt aioo on it is composed of the best tonics krown combined with the best beet blood purifiers acting directly lyon on tho the mucus surface the perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wound erful results result 3 in curing catarrh send for testimonials free F J chenney channey ab co props toledo 0 sold by druggists price take halls family pius pills for constipation to cure ris rm tho the system antem from the th poison kwoh caum and theo then prevent its ita formation formati ron atoa om lunod physicians will tel I 1 you this IS R the duly y lt it is N abo way b by which mob DR DB SHOWS RHEn MATIO tj 8 nim al relief and cure makes an end ot of pain and an end oz of offering an aa ena and of la tn in ha bandy d tablet to tonn convenient and decow floal baleff L Y lillin to uto use bit remedy da today the TO ulta sulta w aul wul I 1 bo be bums sold sol nm ana a 4 by 0 W frampton druggist the kind you yon have always bought and which has bem beean in use for over 30 years has borne the of and has been made under his poff pm bonal supervision since its infancy infamy allow no one to deceive you in jhb all counterfeits imitations and just as good are batt 3 that trifle with and endanger the health of infants and children experience Exper lence against experiments Experiment a what 01 as i castoria astoria 0 is a P harmless substitute for castor on oil paregoric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant ab contains neither opium morphine nor other Nar Narco cotla ilo substance its age is its guarantee it destroys worms end and allays feverishness Feverish noss it cures diarrhoea and wind volle colic it relieves teething troubles less cures constipation and flatulency it assimilates the food regulates the stomach and bowels Bowel sj giving healthy wid arid natural sleeps the childrens panacea the brothers friende friend ALWAYS 09 the flig nature of ile ii d yov u 2 have as dought in use for over 30 yeam WC COMP ANVe tf bunav PIM vorn TORR ganv 7 beas laxative cough syrup containing honey and tar is especially ally appropriate for children no opiates or po poisons of any char actor conforms to the conditions of the national pure food and drug law june 30 1906 for croup whooping cough eto etc it coughs ani and colds by gently moving the bowels guaranteed sold by millard drug co P at for gobs atut 3 1 national pure T food drug nd M 4 ID now vowels lymp con talant katip fates CORA ato 1 15 1 h 6 re we honey HOBT and va zar r burm Q T as the bevels and contains ROS BO PIAt for sale by millard drug co Pin eules cules non nou nonalcoholic alcoholic and 1 made from froin resin from froin our pine pinc forests used for hundreds of years to fot bladder and kidney diseases medicine for thirty days 1 00 guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded got get our aliar guarantee antee copy from froin the M millard it drug aroa go co subsequent to his hig departure |