Show additional LOCALS 77 father john ashman is don confined to his bed most of the time with rheumatism 4 A company has been organized zeI for a new bank at ne nephi P 1 1 1 f NOW is the time to lay in a supply lyof of fresh prime young beef front quarters can be bought at 4 cents per pound and hind hindquarters quarters for 5 cents qt at kellys meat lefeat market mr charles warren of fillmore who has been working at a kly during c the last summer met witha with a painful accident ashert a short time ago by stepping step on a wire nail it nearly penetrating his foot thomas of scipio president of the high in millard stake visited FL Ilmore last tuesday and met with the priesthood in the evening when owing to feeble health and ed hearing and at his own request john ashman who had presided over the high priests at fillmore for some years was wai conot honorably ably released from that pos and john johei cooperwass Cop Coo etland en and su sustained s t ai d to fill the vacancy rocky mountain Far farmer carmeris merIs is the title of anew a new venture in journalism it is a neat finely illustrated three colemn 16 page monthly full of good farm gospel it is published by the agricultural college at logan utah city attorney fi A mcbride ide has been pretty badly under the weather for some time rheumatism seems to be his chief trouble more snow fell wednesday and thursday ni night im ht job work is piling up on us this week mrs mary henry is closing out her stock of millinery ladies goods etc now is the time to secure some real bargains in this line A marriage license e was issued on the j by clerk day to andrew johnison johnison Johi ison ison and amanda stout both c 4 leamington leavington Lea |