Show gom corrects microbe microbes Mic robes tho the poor man said the scientist against him it has been discovered that gold collects disease gores gers to a greater extent than either cither silv r or copper this lie e poor man with only quarters and dimes and pennies to handle in iff aber than the ahe rich man with his eagles and double eagles and the poor man with ith his sliver silver watch can ascer aln the time without halt half the risk that the gold watched rieb rich man runs seriously said the scientist wa it has been roved that gold has a great er attract attraction ln for disease germs than any other metal microbes Mic robes crowd ft a piece of gold god as commuters crowd the trains in the rush hours silver and copper bo however wever the poor mani mets aro are not so overrun with mi clobes on pennies or dimes there is always room for the little creatures to stretch the acius k djs and move about r bit |