Show COLO COLD THAT 19 NOT GOLD COLD substitute for decorative yellow metat metal one oiw bor proof that all la Is not gold that glitters to la found in ID the fact act that hat much 0 4 the gold levering seen or agns and also 0 of the fhe gilding of jo picture leture immes has no ito gold whatever it IL amo the opinion pre prevails valls that all 01 fauel decoir atlon re quires tho actual us of erf jold test pa be realty ta is il fet and ft a tute tate that detles ban tomm lec ui aso for come timm ani abe the exact effect or of gold Is secure dby by using ft A lear of cf eather ther or aluminum alu under how tito the metal backing aly s the hister and he paint gives the required poem this meth od nd be used in all cases lie be ifa of vi me P the lie pant ts of pe vullar quality and requires witting on in with an even ahir 1 w for this cwi son I 1 it t is gen bruiy applicable only to hat ant surfaces arts P to ts of a biej li eJ picture Pie titre fararre aarne which W arr molde rol riel 1 irto w biving pen gen eplly re require wre pentin pent ln gold leaf to 0 m cr th ahcin cul ill IA a benord |