Show I 1 L NOTES NOSES I 1 li ja 0 Z ga AS nr DI 0 ajr EXCHANGES C it items do ida rapid reading aita tt in a c r uthel 1 I 1 sol spry ame canie came ove over r sunday ni night 0 talis take I 1 charge chame of this thia paper but bat he took wo se bagain and had hasto t to return to his home ho me in monroe mona monday L y afternoon LOO 11 s 0 1 is hagim bB viria quite a serious time of lt it salina r press res 91 z 0 f the sapi in the theares Aras rj US 0 of f the IS th in instant another dist distress disarms k j 1 in ing 9 rumor rumar colart to ine aie to the effect that mn bin affe standard wl will if stump the tc territory this campaign at a monthly I 1 tor for which paty I 1 potatoes are seang A a t six 1 cants V per er bushel lythe bythe carload and fifteen cents per dihe 1 I ah dietel dieted li t er ave ty ry efio ky by q 4 ahe ne half peck in clr northera cities aidea a will they be worth digging in Sari pete county is ism question I 1 atif w puzzling the farmers messenger we are anxiously theor the or of a county comity fair agarcia tidas the th grounds ro ands a are completed and in ie good shape 0 7 coxedge offe offers to accept map t almost acy r to get t fhe 16 or perfected L who vill mal e 41 fair i messenger after long weary months is 0 of 1 f discus ion the tha senate aen ate tariff bill has passed wili the president do 46 wih wa it G gaa he ragn abill he has 11 eady I 1 T the he L elin feeling seems I 1 to bo be that lie he wilt will do like he did in th the caso case of the edmonds bill U aku kosp P quiet and let it 1 afi I 1 law a e Q 1 I 1 1 of J maldag a reservoir in ate t he mountains and tunneling figh for an outlet into city c meeta witla almost univ universal ersal favor c at remains fur for citizens to take tic iho I 1 mitter in ill hand and push it through though to isaf aa y 4 1 coa co completion A 11 1 eliou T 0 s 40 N osea the project completed bea before ore another j 1 mania messenger 7 11 I 1 I 1 t av has hai xe furnad fi aali r oh ee oc rett r I 1 Z 11 it I 1 d I 1 7 s iq t tho raela Uon officer ai aau i rl mk L cc 11 sajihe he foun d tiia z afie orbi 1 I ti aw 1 been simply hegi igent in 44 voters to call anthim on bk a friendly frie adly conversation news WO 1 5 U y I 1 I 1 a I 1 I 1 judge xang Juni alae aad e a air ir or order dei in last Tue tuesday re requesting asting ing 3 judge smith i ve to hold couric there u atit the nex V 31 aita sion of the cupl au enie court judge sath th I 1 will wilf maks jaaks a simbar ordering M provo prevo next monday je andge edg cwg nip 9 to hold court at I 1 va nhsn en Z C ed ans supreme court meets judge kink king expects to beCi signed to iq the i 1 hrict and judge the fourth Fo iirth C I 1 district sc salt ahl tt nearly nearly 3 having ing their thel reye eye teeth drawn the other day to the tune of some men so 40 i 10 crazy over oversold g ol 01 bricks rhea they ghey see ei them but wha eyer bears df meir mea filling falling ing over each to see a 9 man shoot with a bow and arrow next net time 1 l they see a hadair hair blutte fiut ring I 1 in the he freeze lafayette the bow bon man will he be seen on the rainbow of their 1 standing stani ding ling owr over the denver WOW woods il 1 I 1 0 1 I 1 0 01 1 this arz eleese of the firm of reesa owella St feted retus ced from piedmont ber was aa met ly a anal sival ento 10 re gaking I 1 which are herded in blick fork near bear hilliard HUli ardy wyoming bir 1 reese eese says the flock 3 ate area doing exceedingly well thi the C Js very lore ghelard owners have decided to leold their buttons muttons mut tons until october Oi tober bold thu deax ear from 61 6 to 1 1 I 1 sj and 9 cents centa and has haa therefore cheref forer made the sellers seU eraa little more jubilant ja bilant p s bew I 1 G fi tribune A gentleman geat leman yesterday jest testers erday ay met ilia writer of th street sad id said baid bayou Bo you goow ow that flour 13 a falling 11 al lug ll 11 in in price zm oTon know th taht it is ia a sign and when asked 1 why his hia reply was vas why Z JIG floar trust ti t i t lebe fiig formed nned fo it already ady in I 1 cledes eve in the c county ity and ap U in ia lowering le the buas of is to compel compel the iii ether r mm mill df the teni bir bictory tory V V so lo jolain ithe iret and then flour willadean willad will van cs to ia 0 hun hundred ired and n u toe the people wi wai 11 bebber be abbed from paia palace ce vo calm some stiff men of this city are at the head of the businello busi neLso and ake just exactly the ohe ane tilt that go arns v behind th the 6 lead adust th tho q sugae trtat J cac 0 beher dmd I 1 jn in yie connary r his final I 1 we 17 e thinly i was is ajust one 4 wt K w A aich was anys association tian of inee isen vhf w 0 1 dd de delibe I 1 beg I 1 athly atai aggio rosio I 1 vc rk rqn d iva x lm the prica r I 1 i C 0 oi of breid br eAto to tha poor tre th the bated f hica of r y mf if 1 1 in in it ithe the 1774 w I 1 a s 0 C 1 ft 17 |