Show cataract and itose ta 1 the presumable mr glad 1 stoats retirement seti rement from political life the hs eyesight has elected a bredt ri regard J it Is gratifying to be assured uy the leading 0 gains of english opticians that cataract Is one of the few diseases of the ibok amen abie lo 10 treatment aai of subsequent can fally with the nid of ninety alte percent of ao the others go wrone anto effs sup although abao lateS resi abstention the use of the eye fora period the otie Is nat one of that serious character to which advanced age is any bar to fact although tte disease Is the latter period of radical treatment shoals hot ca a nao be resorted to antil after ampre ceable haa en toward the complete loss of vision in the first period ct ripening it can be well understood that vision is dearer in a feeble sight arith dilated iris and in y case of emergency can ba employed of blata of iris tinder ordinary op the proper for reading and writing feuring ahls period aye that be worn to accommodate tor rather or erthe ninal re adlas distance if of course this 09 consistent with thu size jot the type acuteness of vision list purely a function of the eye then fhe room cd the book or paper should a desk covered alth and it should be strongly illuminated by a projecting lamp anc spectacles which bate ta be used after an operation for cataract are not of the most sightly but the e to their excessive ity mayte somewhat modified by ithee use of headier glass or of a denbie lens before each eydi |