Show a bread always frets fresh s ati aau ingeni ingenious oms and seemingly ly abl a be e in that of a german baker i c for ir a new method of keeping bre breeda fresh for 1 failong fa iong period it consists in mixing m i iii ordinary flouis bious ath with mhd pow i tier ot hazelnuts the T invention w wu it is ad sai prove proTe of great value valce wheat wh used in storing up any kind of f taur er cr kindred substances aad rad als also a faired goods such as husks or b iseda f in the army or na navy N g in rl the hazel n ant sour r the kernels a ar ro P first removed from the shill shell and thea are arc graull ground or cr reduced to powder only oaly thes white substance sab stance of abo th kernel is ground th the hf powder fader or produced is aar adr added to that which is albe preserved in a proportion varying five and ami per cent care being aasen that the gritu re is as thoro thoron agh his as possible as a a it is imp important 0 thatch that e fatty element 0 uthe per tade the alio wholes abstance the flour so sc mixed acquires a prop licop 1 ty av which c cna enables the bread brea clr or other goods in madlof adeo it t to keep much longie longer than similar goods ordinary flour the fatty or oily prevents the absorption of toa to a great extents extent gild consequently the donaa tion of moldy mold mildew mildew or film similar illar growths in addition to b mcanen en andja and fat in the li ea ca i hance the value of the floar ls causo of their qualities |