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Show RESOLUTION NO. 3 A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO CREATE AND ESTABLISH LOCAL LO-CAL SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 3. OF THE TOWN OF MILFORD. BEAVER COUNTY, UTAH. FOR THE CONSTRI CTION OF SIDEWALKS ALONG CERTAIN STREETS DESCRIBED THEREIN. THE COST OF WHICH IMPROVEMENT IMPROVE-MENT IS TO BE LEVIED AND ASSESSED AS-SESSED UPON THE PROPERTY BENEFITED BY SUCH IMPROVEMENT. IMPROVE-MENT. WHEREAS, in the opinion of the board of trustees of the town of Mil-ford, Mil-ford, Utah, it is necessary that a sidewalk improvement district, comprising com-prising certain territory in said town be created for the purpose of constructing con-structing in said district sidewalks along certain streets described therein, there-in, and to assess the cost of said im privement against the property owners own-ers in said district: NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved re-solved and ordered by the board of Trustees of the town of Milford, Ut-1 as, as follows: Section 1. That the town of Mil-ford Mil-ford make the following described improvement within the said town, towit: The construction of concrete sidewalks side-walks on streets situate and lying within the boundaries described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of lot S, block 10, North Milford, Williams & Latey townsite, and running run-ning thence southerly along the east line of lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 1, block 10, Williams & Latey Townsite, to the northeast corner of lot S, block 6 Williams & Latey Townsite; running run-ning thence easterly along the north property line of lot 7. block 7, Williams Wil-liams & Latey Townsite, to the north east corner of said1 lot 7; running thence southerly along the east property prop-erty line of lots 7, 6, 5, 4. 3. 2. block 7. Williams & Latey Townsite. and lots 7, 6. 5, 4. 3, block 2. Williams fi- Latey Townsite. to the north boundary boun-dary line of tract B. of Milford Townsite; running thence easterly along the north boundary line of said tract B to the northeast corner thereof: there-of: running thence in a southwesterly southwest-erly direction along the easterly boundary lines of tracts B and A to the southeast corner of said tract A, Milford Townsite; running thence westerly along the south boundary line of said tract A to the southeast corner of lot 4, block 1, Milford Townsite; running thence southerly along the east property line of lots 1 and 2, block 5, Milford Townsite, to the southeast corner of said lot2, block 5 ; running thence wresterly along the south property line of said lot 2 to the southeast corner of lot 7, block 5, Milford Townsite; running run-ning thence southerly along the east property line of lots 6 and 5, block 5. lots 8. 7. fi. 5. hlock 6 and lots 8. 7, 6, 5, block 9, Milford Townsite, to the north property line of lot 1. block 10, Milford Tow-nsite; running thence easterly along the north property pro-perty line of let 1. block 10, to the northeast corner of said lot 1; running run-ning thence in a southwesterly direction direc-tion along the easterly property line of lots 1, 2. 3, 4. block 10. to the southern point of said lot 4; running run-ning thence easterly to the east property pro-perty line of lot 4, block 12, Milford Townsite; running thence southerly along the east property line of lot 4, hlock 12, and lots 1 and 2, block 13. to the southeast corner of said lot 2. block 13, Milford Townsite; running run-ning thence westerly along the south boundary line of lots 2 and 7, block 13, to the southewest corner of said lot 7. block 13; running thence northerly nor-therly along the west boundary line of lots 7 and 8, hlock 13. and lot 5, block 12, Milford Townsite. to the northwest corner of said lot 5, block 1 2 ; running thence easterly along the north boundary line of lot 5. block 12. to the west property line of lot 3, block 12, Milford Townsite; running run-ning thence northerly along the wes. property line of lots 3, 2, 1, block 12. lots 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, block 11. and lots 4 and 3, hlock S. to the northwest north-west corner of said lot 3. block 8, Milford Townsite; running thence westerly on a line parallel to the north property line of Campbell Camp-bell Mill site to a point 135 feet from ho east property line of said Campbell Camp-bell Mill site; running thence northerly north-erly along a line parallel to the east boundary line of Campbell Mill site to ho gw corner of lot 16. block 3, Milford Townsite; running thence westerly along the south property line of lots 16 a.nd 17. block 3, to a point on the south property line of-s-ud lot 17 opposite the northeast corner of lot 1. block 22, Milford Townsite; running thence southerly along the eastern propertv line of lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0. block 22. Milford Mil-ford Townsite. to the southeast cor-1 tier of said lot 6; running thence easterly along the north' propertv line of lots 7 and S. block 22. Milford Mil-ford Townsite. to the northeast corner cor-ner of said lot S: running thence southerly along the east proncrtv line of lot S, block 22. and lots 1 and 2. block 14. Milford Townsite. to the southeast corner of said lot 2; running thence westerly along the south property line of iots 2 and 7. block 14. Milford Townsite. to the southwest corner of said lot 7: running run-ning thence northerly along the west property line of lots 7 and 8 14. to the southwest corner of let 7. block 22, Milford Townsite: running thence westerly along the smith property pro-perty line of lot 9. block 24. Milford Townsite. to the southwest cortv t n," said lot 9; running thence. northerly along the west propertv line of lots 9. S. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. block 24. Milford Mil-ford Townsite. to the northwest cor-!! cor-!! r of said lot 1 : running thence in a northeasterly direction to- the south- j west corner of lot 4. block 2". Mil- ford Townsite; running thence-north I erly along the west propertv linn cf lot 4. 3. 2. 1. block 2 5: lots 1 and I 3. block 2G. Milford Townsite. to the i northwest corner of said lot 3: run-i run-i ning thence westerly along (he soath I propertv line of lot 7. Mock 26. Mil-j Mil-j ford Townsite. to the southwest corner cor-ner of said lot 7: running thence northerly along the wst prr.nertv ' line of lot 7 and S. Mock 2. and is " and fi. block 27. Miltor.1 Townsite. to the northwest corner of said lot 6: running easterly along the north p"o-jperty p"o-jperty line of lot 6. block 27. to :lie j northwest cornar of lot 3. block 27. Milford Townsite; running thence northerlv along the west property line of lots 2 and 1. block 27, -ana lots 3, 2, 1, 7, block 28. Milford Tow-nsite, to the northwest corner of said lot 7; running thence easterly easter-ly along the north property line of lot 7. block 2S, Milford Townsite, to the northeast corner of said lot 7; running southerly along the east property line of lots 7. 1. 2. 3. block 28, and lots 1 and 2, block 27. Milford Mil-ford Townsite, to the southeast corner cor-ner of said lot 2; running thence in a southeasterly direction to the north west corner of lot 24,' block 3, Milford Mil-ford Townsite; running thence ea-t erly along the property line of said lot 24. to the northwest corner of lot 9. block 3, Milford Townsite; running run-ning thence northerly along the properly prop-erly line of lots S. 7, fi, block 3. Milford Mil-ford Townsite. to tne northwest corner cor-ner of said lot (i ; running thence easterly along the north pr i;"rty iine of said lot 6 to the northwest corner of lot 5. block 3. Milford Townsite, running thence northerly along the west boundary line of said lot 5, to the northwest corner of said lot 5; running thence westerly along the south property line of lot 4, blk. 3. Milford Townsite. to the southwest corner of said lot, 4; running thence northerly along the west property line of lots 4, 3, 2, 1, block 3, Milford Mil-ford Townsite, to the northwest corner cor-ner of said lot 1; running thence In a northwesterly direction to the south east corner of lot 2, block 30. Williams Wil-liams & Latey Townsite; running thence westerly along the south prop erty line of lot? 2. 3. 4. block 30. Wh Hams & Latey Townsite1, to the south west corner of said lot 4; nihiiing thence southerly along the east boundary line of the, high school tract tO' the southeast corner thereof; there-of; running thence westerly along the south boundary line of said high school tract to the northwest corner thereof; runing thence in a southwesterly south-westerly direction to the northeast corner of lot 2. block 1. Lewis Addition; Ad-dition; running thence southerly along the east property line of lots 2 and 1, block 1, Lewis Addition the southeast corner of said lot 1 ; running thence westerly along the south property line of lots 2 and IS, block 1 and lot 1. block 2, Lewis Addition Ad-dition to the southwest corner of said lot 1, block 2; running thence northerly north-erly along the west property line of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9. block 2, and lots 1, 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. S. 9, blk. 7. Lewis Addition, to the northwest corner of said lot 9; running thence easterly along the north property line of lot 9, block 7, Lewis Addition to the northeast corner thereof: running run-ning thence southerly along the east property line of lots 9, 8. 7, 6. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, block 7, to the northeast corner cor-ner of lot 9 ..block 2, Lewis Addition: running thence easterly along the north property line of lot 10. block 1, Lewis Addition, to the northeast corner of said lot 10: running; thence southerly along the east property line of lots 10, 11, 12, 13. 14, block I, Lewis Addition, to1 the southeast corner of said lot 14; running thence ei-.terly along the north property line of lot 4. block. 1 ,- Lewis Addition, Addi-tion, to a point on the west property line cf the high school tract; running thence northerly along the west property line of the high school tract to a point 140 feet from the southwest corner of said tract; Tuning Tun-ing thence easterly along a line parallel par-allel to the south property lino of said high school tract to' a point on the west property line of lot 4. blk. 30. Williams & Latey Townsite ; running run-ning thence northerly along the wrest property line of lots 4 and 5. block 3 0. and lot 4. block 31. Williams & Latey Townsite. to the northwe-.t. corner of said lot 4, block 31; running run-ning thence easterly along the north property line of lots 4, 3. 2. block 31 Williams & Latey Townsite, to a point on the west, property line of lot 11. block 31, Williams &. Latey Townsite; running thence northerly a'ong the west property line of lots II. 10. 9. 8. block 31. Williams & Latey Townsite. to the northwest corner of said lot 8: running thence easterly along the north property line of said lot 8. to the northwest corner of'lot 8, block 5. Williams & Latey Townsite: running thence .northerly .nor-therly along the west property line of lots 1. 12. 11, 10. 9. S. block 11, Williams & Latey Townsite. to the northwest corner of said lot 8; running run-ning thence easterly along the north nroperty line of lot 8. block 11, and lots 7 and 8. block 10, Williams & Latey Townsite. to the northeast corner cor-ner of said lot 8. block 10. Williams & Latey Townsite, the place of beginning, be-ginning, v Section 2. To pay for the cost of said sidewalk construction, there is hereby here-by created within the town of Milford Mil-ford SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 3. which shall include all the lots and parcels of land lying ly-ing within the boundaries described above. Section 3. The estimated cost of said sidewalk construction is ?20.-000, ?20.-000, which, shall he assessed against nil blocks, lots, parts of blocks and Iots. lands and real estate bounding abutting, or adjacent to such improvement im-provement and within the. district created to the extent of the benefits to, such lots, parts of lots, lands and real estate by such, improvement, except ex-cept where improvements already conforming to the general plan of the construction of concrete side-wall:? side-wall:? already exist. Section 4. The method ef as?eFq morB. shall be as follows: Each lot or parrel of land abutting abut-ting or adjacent to the improvements so made, except, where improvements conforming to the general p'an already al-ready exist, shall he assessed an amount am-ount according to the rummer of fror.t fort abutting upon sahi s-rorts so improved, which amount shaP he in proportion as the front footage of eaeh let or parcel of bm fs to the front footage of all the iots and land so improved; the cost of all s're t ! introsections and alley crossings 1 shell he assessed to a dis'ertee e nne-hnf nne-hnf a block back on each rid - '"ro-I '"ro-I of. ! The said ns"Vmnt sh-'.I he I spread over a period of fve ( r i years and pa-aho in c-,-.- (-) rr,;;,-,i Innnuall installments, to become rae t such time as shall be provide,- in t V ordinance levying the tax. ! Pec ion 5. Immediately rit-r tee j passage and appreval of this resnlu-I resnlu-I tion. the town clerk shall give no tice of the intention of this board J 'ice of the intention of this board of ' trustees to create said Sidewalk Improvement Im-provement District No. 3, and to tax the property therein, which notice shall be published for not less than twenty (20) days in the Beaver County News, a weekly newspaper published within and having general circulation in the town of Milford. which notice shall be in substantially substantial-ly tiie following form: |