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Show BOYTER-JONES A quiet home wedding took place i Thursday of last week at 7 o'clock j at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Reese Jones of Adamsville where their daughter, Miss Alta Jones was married to Mr. Philo Boyter, son of L LrL.l !--" AJ L Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buyter, of Beaver. Beav-er. The ceremony was performed by Bishop Charles Johnson of Adamsville, Adams-ville, in the presence of the immediate im-mediate families and relatives numbering num-bering about eighty. Eeautiful garden gar-den flowers were used as decorations throughout the living rooms. The young couple received many beautiful gifts. After the wedding supper they came to Beaver where they will make their home at the Abe Fotheringham residence. Both young-, people are fine young folks and have always lived here, the bride is one of Adams-villes' Adams-villes' fine girls and has obtained her education in the public schools. The groom, after attending the public schools here, attended the Murdock academy for ten years taking a civil engineers course and was one of the enginers employed on the new Black Ridge road In Washington County recently re-cently completed. We wish to extend ex-tend our best wishes to this young couple and hope they will have many years of happy wedded life. Dr. J. F. McGregor returned to Salt Lake Thursday of last week after spending a week here. Mrs. McGregor Mc-Gregor aud family left Sunday. They have bought a new home in the city at 131 South Sth East, and are neatly located. The McGregors will be greatly missed here but their many friends will join the Press in wishing them all kinds of happiness and prosperity pros-perity in their new home. a |