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Show r. -. : " It's the "Best Ever" OEM EMBER the (lutes October 2 to !). Pl:in to come and hc the greatest eoc-blbltluu eoc-blbltluu of Livestock. Fnrin and Orchard Products mid Poultry ever nsxenihlcd In the State! FREE ATTRACTIONS ew thliiK to do, new fun, ud new thing to learn! Don't m Inn Vtah'N Ill's; Show! UTAH "salt lake city j I Your Dream House I IS HERE 1 Let us aid you, with our practical sugges- j tions guided by years of experience in j home building, plan a home that will be j within your means, yet that will also be I the home of your di'eams. j We have the best paints, (Fuller's), j Builder's Hardware and everything you j need to construct your home. Bonneville Lumber Co. PHONE 30 MILFORD, UTAH -"- -- ' "" ' Professional Directory WM. P. KNOX Attorney at Law Will practice in all the courts of the state Beaver Utah JORGKXHFiN A X 1 WARD Licensed Embalniers and Funeraf Directors 4 Opeu Tny and Nislil Pnuiir JO - Milford. CT1ah JACKS TAILOR SHOP Ladies and Gents Cleaning and Pressing. Hats Cleaned and Blocked. Milford, Utah O. A. MURDOCK Attorney at Lavt Reaver, Utah w . Carry Their Own Servants While railroads In India are nddlni sleeping cars they provide no porter service, but In place of It have servant accommodations on all trains so that travelers may employ "bearers" to rare for their bedding and keep their ompartments in order. . SAM CLINE f Attorney at Law f Jeiferson Blocl. Milford, - - - Itali t DR. W. W. MARKHAM Dentist Res. Phone 64 ( JOHN U. SCHIESS Attorney at Law MILFORD BANK BUILDING Milford, Utah ft THE MILFORD HOSPITAL Milford, Utah Medical, Surgical, Gynecological and Obstetrical Charles R. Parrish, M. D. Fully equipped, including X-Ray Telephone 21 " Come m and Jr See this amazing NEW Ellf WASHER THE most remarkable washing machine gmall tub that dries the clothes. There has j ever invented is the new Easy. It never been anything like it before in vra' I washes one tubful of clothes 10 pounds ing clothes. Don't wait a minute. Come and at the same time dries another tubful. in now and see this wonderful time t'.'"1 - No wringing. No wet clothes to handle labor saver. Or better yet, let us show yo" I piece by piece. No water to lift or carry. the Easy by doing your week's wash'".? I I Not a drop of water wasted. When you free in your own home. No cost of obi'' I are all through washing the Easy even gation. Phone today, I I empties itself. The tecret is in the Easy's I Terms: 5.00 -Down; $10.00 Monthly Telluride Power Co. I c I c I c |