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Show NORTHWEST NOTES Proposed legislation to be introduced at the special session of the Montana assembly was discussed at a conference confer-ence at Helena. Nearly a score o bills, proposed ns relief measures for farming communities were suggested. Governor Stewart .of Montana has been informed by Col. John W. Cousins, Cous-ins, commanding the Salvation army forces in the inter-mountain states, that the army is prepared to act to' relieve suffering caused bv drought In Montana. E. J. Barker, Montana golf cham pion, routined ins title by winning from George Yon Elm, 17-year-old nniif- tc"r ('lim" d' Utah, 5 up, 4 to plav in the 'Mi bole final of the state tournament. tourna-ment. Mrs. I. M. Wheeler retained her title of stale woman champion by defeating Mrs. J. Magill, 6-4. An eslate valued at $25,000 in real and personal properry in Multnomah county, Oregon, was left by George Primrose, the minstrel, who died last week at San Diego, Cal. Viola Primrose, Prim-rose, his widow, nnd Albert, a brother, were named as beneficiaries under the will, filed for probate. Six students from Butte made the honor role for the spring quarter at the state university, the mining city siaiiiiing next to .Missoula, or the first outside point, in the number of pupils who attained this distinction. Missoula Missou-la leads the list with 19 students. Butte is second with six and Helena third with five. Although no reports of serious developments de-velopments in the Idaho and Montana forest fire situation had been received nt district forest service headquarters at Missoula, Montana, officials declared declar-ed conditions were alarming with an absence of rain and no prospects for relief in this direction. Ed. J. Itiggs, assistant cashier of the Wyoming National bank at Casper, shot and killed himself at the home of the Rev. W. H. Bradley, pastor of the Presbyterian church, whose guest he was to be at dinner. As Riggs arrived at the minister's home he was handed a note from the girl he was to marry breaking off their engagement. Stories of water shortage in Montana Mon-tana are not borne out by statistics on drowning for the month of June, according to Dr. J. J. Sippy, state epidemiologist, epi-demiologist, whose figures show that 13 persons lost their lives in this manner. man-ner. With one exception, that of a baby drowned by falling into a bucket at Eureka, the deaths were the result of swimming accidents. Additional showers, generally light, have fallen in southern counties of Utah, and conditions as to crops, ranges, stock and water supply are showing improvement in these counties, coun-ties, according to J. Cecil Alter, met-erologist. met-erologist. In the northern half of the state however and the adjoining portion por-tion of Nevada, Idaho, and Wyoming, high temperatures and drought conditions condi-tions have continued, relieved by only very light scattered showers. Sir Robert Borden is understood to have asked the British embassy at Washington to request an inquiry into the arrest of Walter Scott, former premier pre-mier of Saskatchewan, nt Pembina, N. D., by a United States immigration official of-ficial on the ground that he was traveling trav-eling without passports. Mr. Scott has protested to the premier against the treatment he received, asserting he was ordered to leave a Northern Pacific Pa-cific train and, after being arrested, was kept, locked up for nearly three hours before escaping by breaking through the plastered wall of his coll. Thirty head of beef cattle valued at $4000 and a quantity of smoked products were consumed in a fire that completely destroyed the plant of the Oberte Packing company at Seattle on Monday.' The ban on the use of the German language in Montana, for church services ser-vices or otherwise, continues in force, along with all other orders issued bj the state council of defense, according to statements issued following the meeting of the council at the capitol recently. Thought to have been stealing a ride, William F. Miller, 19 years old, ol Wyandotte, Mich., was killed by a freight train at Thayer Junction, Wyo. In his pocket were found a church identification card and his draft registration reg-istration card, dated September 10, 191S. E. J. Barker, Montana golf champion, cham-pion, retained his title Monday by winning win-ning from George Von Elm, 17-year-old aamteur champion of Utah, 5 up, 4 to play in the oG-hole final of the state tournament. Mrs. I. SI. Wheeler retained her title of state woman champilui bv defeating Mrs. J. Magill, lG-4. . President Wilson has nominated E. W. F'ske of Sioux Falls to be district attorney, South Dakota district. Mr. Fiske succeeds Robert P. Stewart, resigned. re-signed. Another nomination wa.. Franli A. Boyle, now receiver. Juneau, Alaska, to be registrar of the laud office of-fice there. |