Show TRIDELL 4 44 4 There are still a few turkeys to be shipped from this section The last quotations from outside markets was There is much sickness in this community at present Elva Atwood daughter of Mr and Mrs Roy Atwood Atwood Atwood At At- wood has been very ill III from laryn laryn- gitis Our mail man carrier Seth Wilson Wilson Wilson Wil Wil- son is down with the mumps Sylvan Sylvan Sylvan Syl Syl- van and Devore Ross have mumps al al- al so There is whooping cough in a number of families and lagrippe Is prevalent There was a another other light snowfall on Sunday night The snow still covers the shady hill slopes and the hills Nine of our men are inthe in the moun moue mountains getting out lumber for Cor the new chapel hapel Work will begin on the building as soon as the snow goes off and the mud dries s sufficiently The district school te teachers chers report that notwithstanding the fact that the schol year is to be shortened many of or the children will be ready for promotion The Tee T 6 weather ve ther f r r. r February rr has haa Ibe yeen n a reel real r l craz crazy pat patch Yo or So far tar we have had heavy freezing thawing sunshine an electric storm and the heaviest wind storm In many months The wind and lightning occurred occurred occurred oc oc- oc- oc on the night of the be beh being being be- be h ing g a Valentine messenger A crew of oC men have gone to the mountains to get out timber so that work may be resumed on the chapel We hope this time to push the buildIng building build build- ing lag to a speedy completion l Mr John Merkley who was was injured red r- r ed while logging at d d' d saw mill is out again having almost entirely recovered re- re re re- covered |