Show The Home Merchant The home merchant Who is is' is he He is the chap who gives you credit when you are financially broke and carries your account until i you are able to pay He He is the chap who gives you back your money or makes exchanges when you are not satisfied with what y you u have bought I. I He Heis is the ch chap tp who stands behind his is guaranty and makes restoration of all losses that you may sustain on the goods you buy He is the chap who meets you at the door with witha a handshake and lets you out with a kindly message message message mes- mes sage to the kids and a real come-again come good r He is the chap who meets and greets you on the street every day in the year and takes a neighborly interest in your family and your a af fairs I He is the chap whose clerks and bookkeepers and other live in your town and spend v their money with you and your town people He is the chap who pays heavy taxes to help support your schools and build your streets and maintain your fire and police d departments and parks and lighting and water service i He is the chap who helps support your churches and hospitals and charity organizations and your youri i lodges and commercial clubs and talks 8 for your town to and boosts for it every day in the year 4 t He is the home merchant your merchant your neighbor neighbor- r your our friend your friend your helper in times of need c Dont Don't you think you ought to trade with him j. j and and be his friend and helper in time of his need Don Dont Don't t you know that every dollar that you s send nd out of your town for merchandise is sent to strangers strangers to to m n who never spend a dollar in your town You dont don't save much frequently nothing when you send your mon money y away and you take all the risk yourself of short weight or measure and of getting damaged and inferior goods And dont don't you know that the growth and prosperity of your town depends very largely upon the success and prosperity of the home merchants town Out-of-town people judge a cit r by bv the appearance of the stores and the degree of by the merchants And ho h h home merchants cannot succeed suc sue teed unless home folks them give loyal support |