Show The Potato potato itself is not a Juri lurly valuable aJun le food It contains but a u slight ingredient of nitrogenous or nourishing mutter its content of or starch constituting Its principal food values Millie and us as the requisite ration mUon of or starch Is g generally coun conveyed ed to tu the Individual In In- under our ordinary arrangement arrange arrange- ment of ot ta table le supplies supplier b by other foods iu lu bread cornmeal comment rice and other cereals ce ceo cereals reals re and in Iu other vegetables vegetable the function of the potato for purposes of nutriment is almost negligible But Its value as an accompaniment a n balance balance balance bal bal- ance to more nutritious foods Is nevertheless nevertheless nevertheless never never- great It supplies not only the vegetable content which is so 80 desirable desira desira- desirable ble blo a part of e every individuals individual's diet but the element clement of or bulk which the normal normal nor nor- mal mat stomach requires for Its proper functioning functioning Transcript |