Show COWS LIVE JIE IX IN TILE THE HOUSES BUT nUT INDIANS PREFER ft TENT Cows were originally intended to crop green grass and graze in green pastures But Dut with the march of civilization and mans man's ingenuity most farmers and agriculturists have Installed installed in In- installed in- in stalled the pensive e creatures Inside barns where the rain and snows are not says as a's the Salt Lake Telegram Nothing however was said to the effect that cows should be placed In Inside Inside inside In- In side the parlor or the dining room of a newly painted little cottage built b by the United States government forthe for forthe forthe the express purpose of sheltering the redskins of or the Duchesne reserva reserva- tion Nevertheless according to Mosiah Hall state high school inspector who has just returned from the reservation reservation reservation res res- such is the case and the Indians are residing in wretched littie little little lit lit- tle tie tepees and by the tho side of the newly constructed frame houses And the cows are gazing out of windows at the green green grass and the great outside from the parlor windows And the tIte pigs are running wildly around the kitchen kitch kitch- en in circles while the chickens In Inthe Inthe inthe the room crow to the gods gods for tor the Ire Ife they led before tl they ey became be became became be be- came civilized I Iv |