Show VALUATION IN STATE IS 10 SHORT Tho Total Valuation This Year la is Was Was 22 in tho the Year Yearl l 1915 l The Thc state board of or equalization recent recently announced that the total assessed valuation of tho the state for tor 1916 was in round numbers In 1915 1916 the assessed valuation valuation o of the state was In comparing the total valuations of the two years it must be remembered remembered remembered that the basis of valuation was changed coincident with the law reducing re reducing rei i levies which was passed In la 1915 and b became came effective on the first of the present year Under the new law it became n necessary cessar to assess assess as as- assess sess all prop property property- rt at approximately its full valuation whereas h heretofore hereto hereto- heretofore reto I fore it was estimated property was assessed at something a little less t than 40 per cent of the actual Revenue experts of or the state estimated esti esti- mated that the valuation in in 1916 would have to be approximately two and one half times as great to bring the state the same revenue as was received a year ear ago The valuation is approximately short of the amount estimated as sar sary On the valuation alevy alevy a a- levy of or 44 mills has been made which will net the state for all aU purposes pur pur- purposes purposes poses Of this amount will go to district schools to high schools and 1 will be diverted for general state expenses The amount given to the district schools will be much h higher h r than an lag last years year bu but th this pews lew law J law eliminated the county school school- tax so 80 that the gross revenue of moat most of the districts in the state from state and district school taxes will probably be somewhat less than that derived last year from state stale count county and district taxes This is particularly particularly particularly true of Salt Lake City where the revenue re this year ear will be somewhat someI somewhat somewhat some some- what less than last year I o 0 o |