Show RULE MILE CITIZENS DONATE ROAD nO WORK State Road Agent Charles Ledger of Carbon Carbott coun county ha has succeeded in getting an additional appropriation for tor repairs airs on the Myton road The entire first appropriated appropriated was required to put the bridges in first class shape to withstand the heavy truck traffic now operating over Ter that road One bridge gang and three and three road crews are now working working working work work- I ing on the Soldier canyon and Park section of the tho road As soon as tits the the hay crop la is harvested In Nine MIlt Milo Milea a crew of eight or ten teams will ba be employed under tho supervision of ofEd ofEd ofEd Ed Leo to put that part of the road In shape hape Mr Lee states that the tho Nine Mile 1110 crew will win donate four tour or five days to complete tho work j j |