Show o I I DEATH BATH lAi TAKES HEAVY AVY TOLL l IN VERNAL Death has taken talen beav heavy toll in inVernal inVernal inVernal Vernal this week A young mother Mrs John W. W Weist leaving four Cour young children Winfield S. S Hullinger Hullin- Hullin ger Sr eldest son of or Dr H. H C. C Hullinger Hullinger Hul- Hul linger mentioned in last lust weeks week's Free Press as one of the Hullinger live tiVe living generations and little Mava Maya Hodgkinson aged four Cour years daugh daughter I ter o of Mr and Mrs John Hodgkinson The child was l kicked in the stomach stomach stomach ach by one of the work horses 1 Medical Medical Med Med- edical ed- ed ical skill did all it could but the little little lit lit- lit lit-I tle tie one was mortally hurt burt and died in a few hours The grief stricken I parents have the sympathy of all i since it will be remembered that their three eldest children were burned to I death on the reservation homestead ad soon after the opening They havea have have havea I a little daughter and infant son left to them Mrs Weist died from appendicitis which had gone gono beyond the curative stage when an operation was resorted to Pf The rhe deceased was was was' tho daughter og Mr a and i Mr Mrs William Wamsley and was 35 36 years yean old 1 Winfield S. S had been b bedfast dr for two weeks his decline being so so rapid that tha his death came a as a great surprise I lIe Ha leaves a wife and nd large family mn f I |