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Show DELICATE LINES OF PRINT. Perfect and Exact Reproduction of a Spider's Web. Did you over mnko n "sporo print" of a toadstool or mushroom ropro-duco ropro-duco on pnpor tho delicate lines, colors and conformations of tho marvelous, Innumerable and frequently Infinitesimal Infin-itesimal "gills" of a toadstool or mushroom mush-room T Did you over mako a print or a spider's spid-er's wob? If you hnvo performed either of Uicbo feats you nro something unusual, although doubtless you havo longed Ic do bo far back In the happy, childish child-ish days when nil toadstools wero "fairy umbrellas," nnd when" tho sll-7ery sll-7ery cobweb Invariably figured as an Mchnnted castle, restraining a beauteous beau-teous princess. To the re.nl nature lover, however StefifN'--:::: J '.- f$ X'-w. .. V" l-l CAj I scientific in trend nnd nttltudc, tho childish lovo is carried straight up to tho adult consciousness, modified rather than translated or broken. Wherefore It comes nbout thnt so many nnturo lovers and scientists l.nvo been much Interested In tho "fairy umbrellas" of tho 200 supposedly cdlblo vnrleties, of which it is possible to eat so few without suffering, and tho gleaming, shimmering, fragile cobwebs cob-webs that must surely hnvo convoyed to tho world's first lacomakors theli oilglnnl impulse and Idea. To one such Chicago nature lover has It been grnntcd to accomplish both the feats Just montloncd. Mrs. Bertha 11 Jacques, artist nnd devoted nature student, stu-dent, cannot only boast tho finest col. lection of "sporo prints" In Chicago In nil Mie world most likely but also a remarkably wondorful because pre clsoly exact and perfect reproduction of a spider's web. |