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Show - . IH T CARE OF THE BODY ccj How to Acquire nnd Retain tho Priceless Posses- j jH X sion of Good Health J M How to Ventilate. With the advent of tho cold wenth-er wenth-er tho doors aud windows are closed, largoly shutting out tho purifying influences in-fluences ot tho fresh air which has so freely circulated through tho houso during the warmer season, Tho rudo habitations of our ploncor uncostors, with their capacious open fireplaces, wero superior to our mod-orn mod-orn palatial dwolllngs In that thoro was alwajs posslblo an abundant supply sup-ply of fresh nlr. Houses ot tho prcs-ont prcs-ont day In our civilized land arc mado as nearly alr-tlght ob architectural skill can secure, and unless provided with some sjstcmatic mechanical means of venttlntlng, tho Indoor nlr Is constantly contaminated with breath poisons nnd other Impurities, resulting from tho heating and lighting and cooking within tho Iioiiro, so ns to bo a constant menaco to tho health of tho Inmates. Probably the best means of providing provid-ing tho needed supply of fresh nlr, Is tho open flro with a wldo-mouth chimney chim-ney to act as ventilator. Tho open grate Is llkowlso tho most healthful means of heating a houso, although so far as fuel nlono Is concerned, It Is not tho most economical Weighed In tho balance with tho saving In honlth, however, It may bo considered a matter mat-ter of economy. If other means ot heating bo cm-ployod, cm-ployod, good ventilation can bo secured se-cured only by somo special arrangement arrange-ment for tho Incoming of fresh nlr nnd tho outgoing ot foul nlr. How this may be well accomplished Is best told In tho wordB of a well known authority au-thority on tho subject: "Tho foul air outlet should bo constructed on tho plan of tho fireplace an opening near tho floor connected with tho chimney or nn upright ventilating shaft, tho top of which should extend abovo tho roof llko n chimney The ventilating shaft should always ho located In nn lnsldo wall, nnd, If posilblo, should bo placed next (o n chimney which is nlwajs wnrm. Tho chimney heats tho duct and Increases tho draft "The opening for tho outlet of Im-puro Im-puro air should bo at tho bottom of tho room when tho houso Is heated by a furnace or by othor menus which warms tho fresh nlr beforo it Is admitted ad-mitted to tho rooms. If tho fresh air Is ndmlttcd cold, tho foul air outlet should bo at a higher level. Tho best point Is porhnps at about four tcot from tho floor. This will securo a thorough admixture of tho air. If tlir outlet Is at tho floor, tho cold fresh air admitted to tho room will pass out beforo It has been warmed nnd used, whllo tho hot foul nlr will ac-cumulato ac-cumulato In the upper part of tho room, nnd thus tho chnngo of nlr will bo Imperfect. "Two openings must ho provided to securo proper ventilation, one for tho ontranco of fresh nlr, tho othor for tho exit of foul nlr. It Is In every way hotter that Iho air should bo heated, nt least partially, boforo It enters tho room, an this will to n largo dogrco provont tho formation of n cold la j or about tho floor" "Thoro aro too many Ksaus who sell their birthright of health tor a moss ot pottngo, and It Is difficult to roallzo how much of tho suffering and III humor of llfo Is duo lo not having learned lo do without In tho matter of eating nnd drinking." Temper Powders. Sir Inudor Drunton, n famous Hng-llsh Hng-llsh physician nnd surgeon, Is quotod by n specie) I.miIon cable to tho Now York Herald as recommending a "lompor powder," consisting of hro-mldo hro-mldo of potash nnd other drugB, which should bo taken whenever ono Is subjected to "somo Irritating occur-rtnee," occur-rtnee," or "somo depressing nows," "to tnko awny tho sting of either, so that In tho place of being much worried wor-ried and unnblo to turn nttentlon to other things, n person fools ns If ho had slept over the had nows or worry, and Is nblu to obtain relief by turning turn-ing his attention to something clso." According to this dispatch, Sir I.au dor Drunton recommends the "temper "tem-per powdors" ns n means of preventing prevent-ing "(hoso conBtnnt oxploslons of temper tem-per on tho pnrt of a inembor of tho family," which "may nffoct tho hoalth of tho othor rnombors, who havo their appetites spoiled, their digestion impaired, im-paired, their norves shattered, and tholr plonsures In llfo destroyed by tho mental suffering Induced by tho Irrltablo tompor of nnothor. For theso patients tho best treatment Is to administer 'temper powderB' to tho offending person, when tho distressing distress-ing symptoms of tho other members of tho family will bo rolloved." This Is, Indeed, nn easy way out of Irnubln; but It Is a dangerous expedient, expe-dient, and In tho end will only mako vrorso troublo, for the nffects of bro-mldo bro-mldo ot potash and othor stupofylng drugs aro to leavo (ho subject in a stato of Increased Irritation when tho 'effects havo worn off In order to euro bad temper, then, by this plan, iho only offectlvo method would bo to keep tho patlont undor tho constant Influonco of tho bromldo of potash, or loplum, or somo other norvo-depross-Ing drug. Dad tompor, In a groat proportion of cases, has for Its foundation, In-'digestion, In-'digestion, nervous exhaustion, or somo other physical 111, which may ho relloved by tho romoval of causes and the udoptlon of suitable physiologic measures. In oortaln cases, moral 'remedies art accessary, as well as physical. Occupation for the Aged. M Qualn, In his Medical Dictionary, or- M bltrarlly defines advanced llfo as tho M period between sixty-two and eighty- M two, and tho tlmo of old age hoyond H that period. Dut tho Infirmities ot M age aro measured, not so much by length of dujs as by tho Integrity ot M tho bodily functions, nnd tho sound- fl ness of tho organic structures Tho qnostlon, How much work Is normal nnd rational for each? must M bo answered according to tho past llfo M and present condition of each I ml I- M vidua) old man or woman. For most old people, however, thoro Is no cm- plojment better thnn work in n gar- M den In which they have somo commor- M clnl Interest, Money, honestly earned M nnd wisely spent, promotes health. U Tho hoeing, weeding, trimming, gath- fl orlug nnd marketing of tho frultH nnd vogotnbles or (lowers : the open air M life, exerclso In tho sunshine among M glowing things; tho healthy stimulus H of planning tho work, studying nnd M talking to others of tho best niolhoils M ot gnrdonlng what is most profltnhlo H to plant In thnt region, how tho land M should be fertilized, and where and H whon to sell tho products all this H keeps tho mind active H Poultry raising nnd boo culture nro also emplojments well adapted for H thoso advnnced In llfo who need U H mnko work remunerative H Tho main points for tho nged ti H consider arc: To avoid dlseaso am) H premnturo fnlluro of strength, not bj H lucroasn of food and stimulants, an It H often advised, but by cutting down H nnd simplifying tho diet In proportion H to tho decreased wenr nnd tenr of tin- H biio, so that tho Intake will not exceed WM tho output; to still maintain nn Inter- Bfl est In current thought nnd activities, H nnd lo Belcct somo occuiatlon suited H to tholr phj steal Btrcngth and their H previous training nnd skill. H Tho secret of a healthy, useful, ac- H tlvo old ago Is to know how to wear H out life's waning energies normally, H not to exhaust them prcmaturoly by H overwork, or, worse still, waste thorn H by tho rusting of needless Inactivity. H There would seem to ho littlo need H In old ngo ot destitution and depend- H onco on tho county, wero all tho work- H lug clnsscs to plan for a home in tho H country nnd a few ncrcn ot land, by H saving money uselessly spent for such H dlRcnuo-producIng, henltlwlestroylng H articles as tea, coffee, tobacco and al- H cohol, to say nothing of othor Injur!. H oiis tnhlo luxuries. Dy a wlso econ- H omy In tho expenditure ot mnnoy, nnd H rational Investment In n homo, tho H old working man nnd woman would find themselves with a fund of health H and strength equal to tholr day, nnd H when no longer ablo to compcto with H n joungcr generation, thoy would H still have ineful, remunorntivo occu- H pattern on their own promises. H Shut Your Mouth, H Shut your mouth. Droatho through H jour note. Nov or allow yoursolf, H mi) a n medical writer, unless poiltlvo- H ly uecessurj, to hreatho through your H mouth. Tho ncso Is mndo to brcatho H thinugh It Is provided with hairs to H sift tho dust out of tho nlr. It Is pro- H vldcd with warming plates (lurhlnat- H ed bones) to tompcr tho air. It Is H provided with apparatus for furnish- H Ing mnlsturo to tho nlr. All of this Is H qulto osscntlal boforo tho nlr Is drawn H Into tho lungB, H Drontho through tho noso. Shut H jour mouth. Man Is a talking mil- H mal. Ho talks so much ho forgets H how lo hreatho through his noso. In H singing, also, It Is Impossible not to H hroatho through tho mouth. H A good, brisk walk In tho morning, H compelling joursolf to hreatho H through tho noso, Is nn excellent by- H glenlc practice At first It may bo H dlfllcult, but persist In doing so. Think H of It all day, whatever you aro doing. H Shut your mouth; brenlho through H jour noso. Keep thinking about It H until jou hnvo formed tho habit. II H may require qulto nn effort at first H I.nzy pcoplo had better not try It H Somo pcoplo are too Ia7y to breathe. H anyhow. Thoy go around with their H mouth open, llko a fish. Keep youi H mouth shuL Droatho through youi H H Bedroom Climate. H A porson at tho ago of CO years has H spent about twonty years of his llfo H In his bedroom. Havo you Investigate H ed tho average sleeping room climate? jH If you woro boiU ns a missionary to H Homo distant postllontlal spot tho clV jH mate of which was as unhcalthful s H that of tho avcrago bodroom, would H you not feel that jou wero risking s H great deal for tho sako of tho hoathon? B On tho tombBtouo of tens ot thou- H sands ot thoso who havo dlod from tu- H borculosls might appropriately bo In- H scribed, "Dlseaso and death woro In- H vlted and encouraged by a death-deal- H Ing bedroom climate." H To show that this Is no oxaggora- H Hon, it 1b only necessary lo call at- B tentlon to tho fact that fully half ot H tho tubercular patients troatod In out- HJ door consumptive hospitals mako n H satisfactory rccovory Fresh air will H not only cure the disease, but is cop H talnly a wondorful prctontlvo of It. H It is not moro rcasonablo deliborato- H ly to breathe Impure air than It Is to H drink Impure wator or ont unhcalthful tt food or wenr infected clothing. HJ Tho national drink bill In Unglani H has fallen during tho past Ave yearo HI by no less than 6,940,002. This co. M Incldos, it Is said, with tho rapli H growth ot the tendency to eschew H flosh, food, Physical Education. H |