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Show Cullings From Our Exchanges STOCKTON LOCALS. LOCAL BRIEFS. Btltl more of the beautiful! Judging from the amount of wnter now coming out of the tunnel the surrounding sur-rounding country should be well drained ere long. J. II. Robertson, mbre familiarly known as "Fat Jack," has been con-nned con-nned to the house for some time, but Is able Jo be out again. m r When Inst we went to print the ground wns bare and mud deep hut now there's several Inchex of snow, which fell Tuesday.nlght during one of the worst storms, of the seuson. "Gus," our mall carrier, almost missed connection with the train one day this week, nnd tho way the snow nnd horsee Hew waa "n caution." Ho succeeded, however, tn reaching the depot In time nnd "right tide up with care." 1 m Town Marshal Shields has determined to make an example of some of our boys If they are not more careful In the future aa to whom they snowball Have fun among ourselves. bos, but draw the line nt women, children and all others unable to protect themselves. s The pie social and dance given by Sunshine Rebckah lodge No. It last Friday Fri-day night was a decided success both snclnlly nnd nnnnclill), and the treasury of said lodge will be enriched considerably theieby. All ladles attending attend-ing were requited to bring plea, thoUKh many did not do so. The pies were sold to the highest bidder and netted about 121. So great were the charms of tvvo of our young Iffdlts that their plea were sold for $5.25 and $5.20 a piece. Mcfwre. Richard Gundry nnd James Urown were called to Tooele this week as witnesses Itf a lawsuit between Mrs.. Emma Parks, plaintiff, nnd James Urown. defendant. The suit wns brought to recover money paid on debta contracted by Alex Mulrbrook. The money waa held out by credltora of Mulrbrook, when llnal pujment waa made by Mrs. A. M. Marshall upon mining property bought by her from Mulrbrook. The case was decided In favor of the defendant. |