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Show k;, an immense magnet. jjk III engineering works llio electro- tk magnet Is tnkliiK n ver) proiiilnent E plare. This device dispenses with ft. hooks, slings, mid other lining uppnr- B- situs. Hy throwing n switch rontroll- K lug the rnrrent, tho mngnot Is cner- flK glzed nnd thereby nttnehes Itself lo f, Iho hnrs, castings, scrap, or pig hon ' which It Is desired to lift . ' K The magnet poles are shnped ne- K. cording to Hie natnru or the mnteilal R to bo rulbvd. Tor heavy rnlls they are mk oblong, and are slung rrom the ciatiu H hook by a short chain. Castings BR,-- weighing over two tons nro successful- BK ly hnndled hy electro-magnets. An- Hw other use to which tho elect! o-niagnet Br Is put Is In breaking old castings so HE that they may ho melted nnd utilized. Bjfl' To accomplish this tho magnet Is mailo KX to lift and drop n steel hall weighing njl fioni one to six tons. ', Wm The tlmo lost in an engineering JmI, shop b whnt Is known as slinging ! sBflE idecea Is saved by electro-magnets, wjPlL connection being made Instantaneous- RjMf ly. ami tho weight liberated In tho SpHM same expeditious ninnnor. Tho mag- H& mt ,s lovvortirt to the object needed i Ik'M&i wltn thl Clllr011t turned off. When the ! nBl switch is closed the mnguet. becoming Jm active, holds tho articles to be lifted t.","SB while they are raised and transported m to their destination. When they are RJ loweied, the switch Is opened nnd tho ftrfyj - magnet Immediately releases them. fojre$t As the operator of the crane control mIJJU the action of the magnet through tho jji$jlf switch, this one man can attend to nil Sjfg& the details of transferring heavy metnl t&M- objects. No nsBlstanL Is needed to nt- 22k' tnch them to tho conveyer or to re- SK tense them when they reach their Krara destination. |