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Show largely responsible for th esuceess the contestants. The Judges wer Mrs. O. A. Tangren, Mrs. Charles. I Hamilton and Mr. E. Eugene Gan ner. j This newspaper desires to coi gratulate the contestants. Wa wi print in next week's issue the firs prize essay. The two other prize et says will follow at later dates. jd has prepared to give additional prizes where consistent class effort seems to have been made. A large picture has been framed o the essay subject "In The Hour of Trial" and 5oes to the Hinckley seventh grade ind another picture equally as attractive at-tractive of "Adams Proposing Washington Wash-ington as Corrmander in Chief of the American Armies" goes to the Leamington eighth grade. The essays submitted are evidence pf the excellent training that is given pur pupils of the various schools hn :his district and the pupils are to be pongratulated for their readiness to participate in such a contest. It is to be hoped that the practice they received will be of lasting benefit to them and that in future years they will appreciate that it was FAITH which kept their country safe thru that terrible winter of 1777-1778. Splendid co-operation has been aad from the Superintendent of Schools and the teachers who are B. M. Prescott, Traveling Service Agent, and W. H. Lee, Traveling Freight Agent of the Union Pacific system were in Delta last week busy |