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Show IpOULTRjTNOTEC Ketri the brooder bouaes In a cle;in s':ni:ary condition, and never overcrowd. over-crowd. flurnt corn has been used to good advantage. This is one way of supplying supply-ing charcoal. When you are through hatching, market all tho cocks that you do not Intend to uao next year. Couiblno the dairy and poultry plants on tho farm. In other words, feed the milk to the tbl kens. the tun a la a splendid place fur tho chickens but they should not bo allow-id allow-id to ii ;.ro;i i.:te It exclusively. hatihi'd. ill Mjy can be brought to !ayl:i by Novmbtr, if tl-.ey are projierly fed find cared for. Dure a day is sufficient tor chickens chick-ens to bit I'd a mash; th remainder of the diy dry train la considered better. bet-ter. Too many people who get good returns re-turns for a small flock figure that the returns for a Urge one 1U bo lu proportion. pro-portion. In girlns nifiJIrlne to a fowl, commonly com-monly speaking, what would bo considered con-sidered the dm-e for a chili la about rlslit for a fowl. 'ibe small pot. v oca and other vegetables vege-tables that are not Bailable for human food can be fed to the thickeua to plii(Hd advarnajt". Lie Intrease very rapidly oa the sitting bf-n. Thoroughly Insect row-d'T row-d'T her before net Ir.g. and a couple of ! tin.t-s dur.rc tlie :tilt.a; pi rlod. Charcoal is rn ure.irr.t f--d for th bpna aLd shou'd be before then at all t!t;.'S. Thy will not nt very mm-b f'f It but they tjoulj have frte act ess to it. i;K.e ecrs require .!) days for in-rubv.km, in-rubv.km, and It la custfn ary to Lafh at l-Ft some of theru v. ith bens. i!n-e the g"ee ar Leavy anj of!-u tot '.nclir.ed to aet. A Rood spray to distn'e t cooim and 5roodera U a tdit-i.-e of one-half pint rarbollc acid In two gallons of nater. It la a bad Idea to trust high priced ttf la ao Incubator aJess you thor-:f thor-:f U.r understand bow to operate it |