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Show MONTANA PROGRESSIVES BOLT Third Term Party Splits on Question of Full Ticket, Seven Butte Delegates Dele-gates Leading Convention. Helena, Mont. The first session of the find convention of the 1'roKren-eivo 1'roKren-eivo party In Montana, held on Mon-! Mon-! day, was marked by a "bolt." lTin tho completion of the temporary organization or-ganization with (ieoiKis A. Jlorkan of Forsyth as chairman, James A. Met-calf Met-calf of DawHou offered a resolution declarliiK the new party organized and renounclriK nil allegiance to other political po-litical orBanlzatlotn. Tho resolution was adopted without li h -icrit. Later Joseph Griffin, chairman of the Silver How (Unite) delegation, nttked that the resolution be reconsidered, aaylnx; that, conditions were "jx-cullar" In Silver How county and that many of tho delegates thought they should ork with the Republican party In th primaries. lie was ruled out of order. Joseph Vogler, another member of the Oliver How deb'Katlon, attempted to speak, but before ho could begin George H. Dygerl of Sliver How nhout d to the chair that Vog'.er had announced an-nounced Uat ho "had quit tho dele-j gstlon." Chairman llotkan rulod i that ho was not entitle dto bo heard. "I'e's talking to a ques'lon of jxt-amul jxt-amul privilege." shoulded Griffin. "Is this new party to Imj born with a gat? In Its mouth?" Instantly tho hall wan in an uproar, up-roar, several delegations clamoring for recognition. Amid the excitement some one move a recess and the motion mo-tion was carried. Seven of the twelve Butte delegates. Including Chairman Griffon, did not return after the recess. re-cess. lkdegales were present from twenty-seven of the thirty-one counties. Sixteen delegates were elected to tho ; national I'rogresslvo convention, each delegate to have one fourth of a vote, i |