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Show What Hogt Paid for Corn. A farmer from Ohio w rites to the Swine Herd that he m ule a test of the price per buhhi l of corn fed to Iioks under the following conditions: Lsst I March, before his inm begun to farrow, far-row, he bfgan to feid them from a crib of 200 biifhela of corn. These sows were fed b sides corn the sep arated milk from four pure bred Jersey cow, and dally ten pounds of ground oats, corn and wheat middlings. Tbey alfo had the run of a clover field. As toon as the pigs .were old enough to I eat the separated milk and mixed slop j were given to th pig. There was I plenty of good, fresh water at all times handy to tow and pig. At this 1 writing. October 7. he ha aold o?er $;i00 worth of pork from tbia COO-bushel COO-bushel corn crib, and ha hi brood sow and a little corn yet left Allow-Ing Allow-Ing the separated milk, the mixed feed and the clover to be worth the manure left on the clover field. It teem to show what we may get for our raw ma terlal produced on our farm when put ' Into a finished product. Thl corn wai fed after the first of May over the field, l'p to that time It wa fed on a cement floor and the litter hauled and spread upon tbe field. |