Show CAMP GIVES PARTY t T 1 Residents of Delta and Vicin- Vicin ty t to be Entertained by b Camp J Antel Antelope pc Springs C. C C. C C C. camp will willbe i b be bethe the scene cene of festivities ma marking king the sev seventh nth anniversary of the founding of the corps next Wednesday April 3 f Residents of Delta and surrounding 0 areas fire are invited to inspect the camp projects of the Grazing Service Service to to eat i dinner at the mess hall halland and to enjoy an entertainment and movie in the ev ev- ening cuing Beginning at a. a m. m the visitors will be welcomed by William i Wingo Company Commander Mr 1 Le LeGrande LeGrande Grande Law Project Superintendent Mr Clyde I. I Fletcher Educational Adviser and Dr Benjamine Gitlitz they will proceed to to several work I 1 projects and see ee the enrollees at work on the job V At pm p.m. the visitors will be enI entertained entertained en en- I at t a special dinner in their honor Following the dinner the afternoon after after- noon loon will vill be spent inspecting the camp guides will be furnished At each Building company compan leaders will explain the functions of each department Those who wish to remain until evI ev- ev V I ning will take supper aupper with the company company com corn V pany and in a motion picture picture pic plc- V ture will be shown for their entertain entertain- ment V Mr Wingo V states that those who are arc unable to tp come in the morning V will be just as welcome at the evening meal and V. V |