Show CHILD KILLED B BY TRAIN AT RAILWAY GROSSING On Sunday about at about noon as the westbound passenger was due to pass the Clear lear Lake station Heber Rose started to tow a car across the track from a r rope Pe to a another auto Ho lie just got onto the track when others saw the oncoming train and tried to warn him but his hia attention could not be got The train crashed Into the leading auto lolling killing his little little lit lit- tle tie months IS-months old daughter sitting on his lap Had the other auto been fastened by cha chain n instead or by r rope no doubt the occupant of the second car would also have been killed In tho second car was car as Mrs Alvin Bolm Boim The coroners cornier inquest sl held that the death loath was due duo to to an accident and exonerated the train crew The father Heber Rose was wag seriously seriously ser ser- i injured with t the e crash crash but luckily lucIdly e escaped the death deat which was wasso wasso so 80 immanent y |