Show HINCKLEY NEWS It seems that at this time of the I year the tho Old Home Fireside has a great deal of attraction We welcome welcome welcome wel wel- come com all o our r friends and relatives home and hope the refreshment they gain from rom being with loved ones will I be a guide to them in the New Year of 1929 A Happy and Prosperous year to all Mr and Mrs 1 Leslie Bennett Dennett of Provo are visiting with her parents Mr 1 and Mrs John E. E Wright Mr and Mrs 1 Glen are visiting friends and relatives Mr 11 Wesley Morris 1 and Bert Adair who have been WOl working king In Nevada returned to enjoy Christmas with their families Mr George Laney has returned to tobe tobe tobe I be with his family for the holidays Some of the students who have come home for the Christmas season are Lula Blake Aria Arla Christensen Annie Knight Wanda Nielson Eunice Eunice Eunice Eu Eu- nice Badger Mrs 1 Beth Hoyt Marcia Reid Charles Webb Milo 1110 Moody Claude Claudo Cl udo Pratt Delmar Wilkins Chester Chester Chester Ches Ches- ter Janus and 1 Leslie LesUe Wright Man Man- Moody 1 Golden Wright Ernest and Rollo Dutson and Lewell Lowell Peterson Peter Peter- son Mr Jam Jams James s Dutson came from Leamington to spend Christmas with his family Mr 11 and Mrs Byron Dyro n Parker are visiting with Mr 1 and nd Mrs D. D A. A Bishop during the holidays Mrs Zola Bunker Dunker and spent Christmas with her parents Mr DIr and Mrs 1 Charles Woodbury Mr 11 and Mrs 1 Joseph Nielson went to L Lynndyl for Christmas and to visIt visIt visit vis- vis It with Mr and Mrs 1 P P. P L L. L Nielson Miss 1 Fay Mackintosh 1 and Miss 1 Devere Devere Devere De- De vere Shipp and Mr 11 Steel Shipp are here from Provo Santa Claus visited all the families familIes families famil famil- ies In the tho early evening of Christmas Eve to the delight of ot the children nI He left a bag vUE u of at candy iI ond and nuts and nI a vUE u iI promised to return later with gifts His promise was verified The Christmas Eve dance was enjoyed by a large crowd The M M. I I. I A. A sponsored an nn excellent excellent excellent excell excell- ent program Xmas night We are proud of the home talent talen that was exhibited A basket dance will be held Friday Friday Friday Fri Fri- day night the Everybody Is invited to the Get Acquainted Party Party Party Par Par- ty of or the holidays J |