Show GJ The Je Yale Yale Princeton series was started In 1873 f 55 5 years ears ago Golf has hns been officially recognized as an athletic sport snort In Prance France A London Eng Engo soccer club may visit Argentine next summer for a It of games AI Al Lang will mannge manage Hymie Miller tin national amateur flyweight ch champion in the professional ranks S i iMore More than thoroughbreds s. s were In training this year on tracks throughout the United States Arli lu 1 Mucks ls the old shott utter Is s now a n football o official lIe He stands G C feet C G Inches incites and weighs pounds Johnny Ertle who wh won the bantamweight ban ban- bantamweight boxing championship when he lie wc weighed pounds no now tips the beam at ICO The The battery hattery men of ot the Brooklyn Ho Robins ns will report at nt Clearwater l hi March 1 third and the Uie rest of the squad a 1 week In later er Tossing the caber is s still one of the most thrilling vents events In meets In Scot Scotland IIi The Tile ancient game Is held annually I A new division Ision of the A. A A A. U U. would provide for championships is Inthe in inthe inthe the East Hast the Middle West Nest the West Vc nail and the Far Par W t. t Turkey key e Is preparing pi la loin to go n in vigorously vigor vigor- for 1 athletics t h beginning In wit with h state supervised gymnastic t train training I n o the Swedish h after soul mid lInan models With the retirement of ut Jack JaC Howard and suid Johnn Johnny veteran Amer AmerIcan Amerlean Amerlean lean Ican t jockeys s. s nill a sn Is the tile oldest sr pilot now in In ht jo point nr of service S The Thc Braves got a 1 t hatch of nicknames and well known ones for use IIse this this year Jawn Jann ers i the rhe rah Crab and and Rabbit Maranville II are aro hack buck I Boving is Is' Is nourishing in Shanghai w which Is la one o of f the most t cosmopolitan cities in the world In a recent six six- hout bout show nine different hi nationalities were represented amens the hovers Since the Dixie nixie stakes a n o racing feature was revived In 1124 1924 the winners whiners have hl been n Heise rind and Mars Is A af rare Is predicted pre pre- dieted for fur the opening day nt ot I o ice George hut who held the lI lightweight lightweight light light- ht weight wrest wrestling lIing Ilag chin championship of tin the world for fur JO U years scats II'S met a all II sizes sixes ol nl up lip to tn nearly 30 WO pounds II rl al nl although thought though h he ht never ne r weighed more than Ihan 13 pounds Veteran erm professional golfers of New NewYork York YOlI are ure planning an n organization In n which those loose trim who have served at al scones In this and abroad for twenty years or more will be he eligible for fOl membership The light harness racing champion of ot 1028 1923 Is the Canadian bred pacer Winnipeg whose mile mIJe In n 1 t r 7 over the Fort Miami course at Toledo stamped him as the lie greatest pacing gelding of all time |