Show v u LEAMINGTON TON C Most of ot our townspeople have b been boeh en suffering with the influenza but are Trow t Improving Burns Finlinson son of at Jos JOB T. T I Finlinson who Is attending I the B. B Y Y U U. at Provo Is home for tor a week Our basketball team will go to Holden Holdon to play a game on February February February ary 3rd and Oak City on February They are arc planning a n return game with Delta In the tho near future Miss Charlotte Perry is visiting her sister Mrs Mra Alma Harder Miss Monta Manta Nielson is clerking at atthe atthe atthe the local mercantile store About thirty men are employed putting up ice kc for tho the Union Pacific railway company This ice is distributed distrIbuted distributed dis dis- all along the line from tram Lynndyl to Mrs Oscar Johnson on is around again after atter a very severe illness Cattle buyers are showing a lively continues to be shipped out to Texas daily dally William Jenkins of Delta Delta spent Monday l here buying fat tat steers veal and hogs Jos Finlinson lor left lotE Tuesday for Fillmore to attend to business conne connected con con- ne ted with lith the Millard County Bank ank of ot which which ha he Is president 1 |