Show Organization Only Hope of of Workers Militant Trade Unionism Essential Need of Wage Earners The problem which the wage earner is compelled to deal with is not solved b 13 by stock ownership company unions welfare work or any other system method or condition originated by hy the employers The wage earners earner's principal problems problems problems lems are grouped under two heads under one lies Hes the entire question of ol terms of employment and conditions of labor under the other the relationship which exists between employer an ann and employed The trade union movement exists for forthe forthe forthe the purpose of enabling wage earners as such to have a control over their lives a definite voice in determining the conditions under which they will give Ive their labor In Industry and com com- merce The paternalistic policy pOlie which underlies underlies underlies under under- lies stock ownership welfare plans company unions and other other forms of relationship employers have lu established established are all aU paternalistic In their purpose The workers are to be given something which will create a belief that the trade union organization is unnecessary for their welfare and pro pro- The purpose is not different from that of those few wise monarchs who prevented the people from developing devel el developing a desire or a determination to establish self-government self b by ImprovIng improving improving ing their condition th through ough various so- so called reforms Autocratic or paternalistic government government govern govern- m ment nt could not endure when mens men's minds became open for then they saw the necessity of governing go themselves and so monarchies were overthrown and republics established in their place It Is much the same with the problem problem problem which the must deal lem wage earner u with whether lie he is willing or not Regardless Ke- Ke gardle s of at the improvements which employers ma may establish in their personal personal per per- relationship with their employees employees employees em em- and the methods by which this relationship Is applied so 80 that the employees em- em plo ees llla may have something to say about conditions of ot labor I the outstanding ing fact Is that It is only through militant militant militant mili mili- tant trade union organization that the workers can cnn have control over cr their lives as wage earners With society erected as It is today upon an industrial basis it is as essential essential es es- that the wage earners should hu have control over their lives In Industry industry Indus indus- tr try as fully as in their political relationship relationship rela rein to all others as citizens of a I common country It Is only through trade unionism that the wage earners can cnn secure an adequate voice in determining the conditions conditions con cou- I under which they ther labor and live International International Labor News Sen ice |