Show I T. d Jr x S. S x i 1 I i About People You Know 1 aaa j I J j o I Clyde W. W Underhill sold his hta forty acre nere Woodrow v farm to toL L. L R R. R Curtis Clio consideration was Avas Mr and Mrs 1 P. P H. H Robison are I Delta Y visitors visitors' this week from Gold Hill T 1 An eight pound baby boy came to toJ charm the home of Mr and Mrs 1 Ch Chester Chaster ter L. L Skinner Thursday dl Mrs 1 Law of Beaver Deaver Is in Delta I visiting her hers herson s son n. n R. R J. J Law and her daughter Mrs 1 S. S E. E Jacobs Miss Othell Scott of or Provo Is here visiting her sister Bister Mrs Dewey Sanford A fine baby boy arrived at the home of or Mr 11 and Mrs Dewey Sanford Sanford San- San ford Cord March l Oth Miss lIss E E. G. G Moore Moor who has been visiting her sister Mrs Charles Peppard Peppard Pep Pep- pard left Saturday for her home III In Los Angeles California Orson Onson Matheson returned Sunday from Salt Lako Lake City where he un- un an operation for Mrs Wm Hales and little children child ren of Ogden visited Mrs Wm H. H Dalley Dailey last week Mrs Dalley Dailey Is Mrs Hales Hales' mother Hon James Jamos A. A Melville and Judge Elias Ellas A. A Smith were down to Delta DeHa last week In the interests of the Deseret Savings Bank Dank Mrs W W. W W. W has returned from her visit to California to care for her husband who was recently In Injured injured In- In when knocked down by a horse gorse orse Mrs H. H L. L Hinckley enjoyed a visit visIt visit vis vis- it this week from her mother alother Mrs J. J Greathouse her sisters sister's Mrs Arnold Arnold Arnold Ar Ar- nold Larsen and Mrs Christian Larsen Larsen Larsen Lar Lar- sen and her mother law Mrs Larsen A shower was given last Monday evening in honor of Miss Roka Bunker Dunker a Q bride of this week at the home of her parents by a a. number of her friends A number of useful gifts were presented J. J C. C Seivert Selvert left loft Thursday for or Salt Lake to attend the ceremonial of ot the held there Friday S. S Lawrence Hinckley Is enjoying a visit from his father from Salt Lake City The Relief Society supper and dance was the usual enjoyable event so characteristic of their efforts all enjoyed the tho supper very much which was highly complimented The dance danco was wea well attended and all an had a a. good time Ime S. S E. E Jacobs has been appointed superintendent of or streets water board mains and sewers by the town the Improvements are aro being made to city cily streets as rapidly as funds are aro made available C. C D. D Is suffering suffering suf- suf fering with a painful case of mumps Edwin Brickert returned Tuesday from Salt Lake Lako where he wont went to secure a shipment of new Stars i He reports the roa road via Eureka In infine fine ine condition I A baby girl came to grace the home homo of or Mr 11 and Mrs W. W L L. L Cook Cool on March l Mr Ir and arid Mrs 1 M. M II Workman are aro spending a few rew days days' in Salt Lake Lak City Attorney and Mrs Mme 0 O. A A. A left Wednesday on a business trip to Salt Lake James Rigby of Hinckley stopped over In Delta Wednesday while to Fillmore Wm Thornton of the Thornton chain of drug stores spent a few fow days In Delta this week Ralph Dunn manager of Thornton Thornton Thornton Thorn Thorn- ton Drug ha has recovered from an attack of quinsy which necessitated a trip to Salt Lake Delta Smart Shop Shop Shop- Hats dresses silk hosiery and underwear are up to the minute in style yet prices are very reasonable 42 |