Show EQ II Weight t J I V J i I When you buy your meats at our market the scales show the J actual weight and II y you ou get every ounce sixteen to the pound We buy at correct I weight and we make sure to give you full weight O Our r scales are set o right and are constantly constan constantly con con- stan ly kept accurate Qua Quality ity and Prices Are Sure to Please Pleaser r Clark Street Market DELTA UTAH GROCERY SPECIALS Cash Prices Armours Armour's Rolled Oats per Canned Tomatoes 3 large cans Canned Corn 3 for Early June Peas 3 for Hides Furs and Sheepskins Get FULL VALUE for them by shipping them to a LARGE CENTRAL MARKET and a RELIABLE HOUSE HOUSE- Get the middleman's middleman's mid mid- profit ADDED to your returns by shipping DIRECT to US We Ve pay express and post charges on furs furs and on request hold shipment separate and submit offer Small shipments have same careful attention with us as large ones Very low express and freight rates on all roads into Omaha on HIDES and PELTS Free Trappers Trappers' Guide and Wool Yoo Growers Growers' Friend Ship to US fo for r MORE MONEY PROMPT RETURNS and FAIR TREATMENT NEBRASKA HIDE WOOL CO Omaha Neb Make a for Namer-for Yourself The Tho man mail it who ho saves sa Is boss of ot him him- self seU and is rend ready to as assume sumo that may come to him Sav lug ing moans means more moro than lu ha having Just so much mone money it means building char aeter acter winning tinning the tha respect of ot others and being able to grasp opportunity when it comes Start now Well We'll eU tell teU you OU how Ask us about it I State Bank of Oasis C C. C 0 O. O W W. PIERSON I Cahier QUICK SALES I LIST S YOUR U PROPERTY PE WITH THE I HINCKLEY REALTY EXCHANGE AND AGENCY C COMPANY I HAROLD R R. MORRIS Pres s. s WM B. B PRATT TT Vice Pres Prea JAS S. S BLAKE Secretary and Treasurer a Directors WM Vl BLAKE JOHN WATTS I MIDWIFE Dr J. J E. E Stains MRS l 11 S F. F F A. A p I PACE ACE Resident Dentist t Prof Professional midwife graduate of ot York Road Lying Lying-in Hospi Se od d Floor loor of Brol Building tal bt London Special care of patients ten days daya DELTA Ute Ut 1 DELTA UTAH I 0 DELTA NEWS NES NOTES Born Dorn to Mrs Geo Sampson a baby boy Dr hr W W. a A A. Stephenson has been appointed appointed ap ap- pointed nat meat Inspector of or Delta Della M Mrs J. J W W. Thurston was paid pal the Insurance In the Woodmen carried by her late lute husband John W W. Thurston Unless quarantine prevents Claude F. F Baker Balcer will be In Delta Friday Feb the to attend to 16 legal business Mrs Mrs- E E. E II II 11 Detwiler who used to live on the farm bought by Abner Johnson Is visiting for a time at Santa Ana Calif n i e.- e. e W W. E. E Cook was elected to the position position position po po- of director on the board of the Abraham Irrigation Co at the annual election eJection held In Salt Lake City h Hot lac week H Mr 11 J. J W W. Timpson auditor of The Utah-Idaho Utah Sugar Co was In Delta last week on business connected with their recent purchase of our local plant t Mrs James Edwards and son Venice Venice Venice Ve Ve- nice were called to Sterling Utah on account of the death of Mrs Edwards Edward's Edwards Edward's Edwards Edward's Ed Ed- wards ward's sister who Is also the sister of or Mrs Edwin and Mrs 1 J J. J C. C Works Manager J J. J W. W Waterhouse of the former sugar company retires with the recent change In ownership and he will go to California We are very sorry Indeed to lose Mr Waterhouse and our best wishes go with him to his new field M The long continued fog finally broke and gave us a glimpse of the sun on Monday following a fall tall of snow on Sunday of about three inches This change from damp a J low IO hang hanging WIll win no Dring reller and lessen the colds now so prevalent H John S. S Wind has returned to the North Tract from a visit back in Nebraska We Ve have some bargains in chairs rockers and library tables The Delta Furniture Co 12 C Get a cop copy of N. N B B. B Dressers Dresser's Millard County Ballads at Thornton Thornton Thorn Thorn- Thornton ton Drug Co illustrated 75 cents Scenes of Delta and vicinity are for sale either at the Thornton Drug Co or at the Chronicle office These views are of many subjects and will do well to either keep or send away I to show what our town is is Frank Beckwith paid the loss I claim of Mrs Irene Smith for her recent fire which destroyed her home on Second West The house was insured Insured insured in- in for and as soon as proofs were ere submitted to the companies the loss was paid In full It pays to in- in sure Lewis F. F Koch one of our former fellow townsmen returned to Delta Wednesday to spend a day or two in matters pertaining to the transfer of certain property he owns here Mr Koch now lives at Downey Idaho The editor had the pleasure of becoming becoming becoming be be- coming quite well acquainted with his brother at Oakley Idaho y- y M CAfter C After Arter a careful survey we find two hundred dead trees on our factory grounds These have been killed by loose cattle and horses In the future all stock found on Company property will be pla placed ed In the pound Please help us make our town more beautiful by keeping your stock from these and all other trees In or near town Utah-Idaho Utah Sugar Company f CAULIFLOWER 12 c Now is the time to buy your cauliflower cauliflower cauliflower cauli cauli- flower for pickling We Va have the best at a price the lowest MRS FLORA N N. DAVIS H Pedigreed raspberry raspberry and strawberry strawberry straw straw- strawberry berry plants Including choice Overbearing ever ver- Over Over- bearing varieties Wm L. L Olsen Oak City ABRAHAM IRRIGATION CO At a meeting of the board of directors directors di di- dl rectors and stockholders of or the Abraham Abraham Abraham Abra Abra- ham and Midland Irrigation companies compa compa- companies nies the Midland Company sold out outto outto outto to the Abraham Company and the former will be dissolved A deal was put through whereby the Abrah Abraham m Company absorbs the Midland and sells of its surplus water right thus cleaning off orr all the Indebtedness Indebtedness indebtedness edness heretofore resting against the Abraham Company and giving them in the treasury besides the prospect of putting a acre tract of new land on the market with full water right This Is one of the seeing far-seeing steps of merging all the valleys valley's water rights Into one which will be further pursued The tendency Is to make one Irrigation company of the entire system which when done wll merge interests under one management one expense one policy and throw all surplus water rights onto the east eastside eastside eastside side for the undeveloped bench lands there Ira D D. Wines was reelected president prest dent j B. B C C. C Miller was elected vice president and D. D H. H Livingston Wm Vm D D. D Livingston W. W D E. E Cook and Albert Reid were elected directors Yellow and white carbon copy sheets at The Chronicle NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION U. U S S. S Land Office at Salt Lake City Utah January 3 31 1920 NOTICE Is hereby given that Edward John Biehler Bichler of or Abraham Utah who on February 21 1913 made malic Desert Land Entry Serial No for SE SEl 4 ENE Section 19 19 Township 16 So Range 8 S West Salt SaIL Lake Meridian has filed notice of or intention to make final proof to establish claim to the land above described described described des des- before the Clerk of or the District District District Dis Dis- Court at Fillmore Utah on the day of or March 1920 Claimant names as witnesses Marcus L. L Fuchs Edgar H II Clarke Thomas H. H Taylor and Herbert J J. J Taylor all of or Abraham Utah GOULD B B. B BLAKELY Register FRANK BECKWITH Conveyancing and Legal Work NOTICE FOR FOn PUBLICATION U U. S S. S Land Office at Salt Lake City Utah February 3 1920 NOTICE is hereby given that George Froerer of or Eden Utah who on January 13 1915 1916 made Homestead Entry Serial Number for S Sy Section 36 35 35 Township Township Town Town- ship 18 South Range 5 West Salt Lake Meridian l has filed notice of or intention to make year five-year proof to establish claim to the land above described before the Register and Receiver U U. S. S Land Office at Salt Lake City Utah on the day of or March l 1920 Claimant names as witnesses Spencer C C. C C Cannon of Holden Utah Francis Wells Veils Johnson of Holden Utah Fredrick Froerer of Ogden Utah and Junius W W. Keyes of Ogden Utah GOULD B B. B BLAKELY Register Gat Get FIRE INSURANCE from Frank Beckwith WE lVE HAVE A COMPLETE LL LIVE LINE E OF CASKETS AND Burial Supplies D. D Stevens Co Co DELTA UTAH A fine tino line of Glassware Just re re- re Come Como In and see the beautiful ful rul Gold Band Dand Berry and Water Sets Seta Pickle and celery dishes Fruit Jelly Jolly sugar and creamer syrup tumblers salts and peppers sherbets lamps and chimneys an and many other othor useful articles The prices are arc right at the Delta Furniture Store 12 o wig De Garmo The Chiropractor I will extend the time till February for one months month's free adjustments Nothing better for flu or nosebleed than tic Over Broderick's Hours to p p. p m. m M Fy The WOMANS WOMAN'S M N S I ISHOP SHOP LATEST DESIGNS NEWEST NElVEST GOODS Open for Business CALL AND SEE OUR DISPLAY Mrs Mayme Jimpson Prop DELTA UTAH I I rUE LUNCHEONETTE Soups Soup Tamales Tomato Flip FOUNTAIN DRINKS The best belt In th the city Get FIRE INSURANCE from Frank Beckwith The Highest Class CIa Talking Machine in the World TM a clAA Al A A ILL the most IMAGINE beautiful ul of all phonographs phonographs graphs one possessing a wonderful tone one which is handsome in appearance with all conceivable conceivable con con- improvements Then come and see and hear the Sonora You will find that the superb upright and period models are better even than you have imagined I 50 to 1000 Thornton Drug No 6 DELTA UTAH e During the long winter evenIngs evenings even even- ings get a SONORA In your home Sold on easy payments i iI iWi ii ir I r i Wi- Wi 1 TIC TANK TYPE TRACTOR 20 Horsepower at the pulley 12 pulley 12 at the H J Just the right size to take here there and everywhere for any and every kind of stationary power wo work k Quickly placed easily man man- aged Simple to keep lined up And a motor that makes things hump co hump 20 horsepower at the pulley with pulley with governor speed c control does all your work work nIl all the time I It t works for its keep keep- 4 every day in the year I Motor that is dust Air r for carburetor clarified by hy water yater New Nely 8 S inch ft wide vide ide type tan J single grouter trac Track These features together with high gr grade de materials and ana workmanship explain the remarkable endurance and low upke upkeep p of the Let us demonstrate this purpose all-purpose tractor tra tractor i r on your own land That's the way t to gauge its worth to you No obligation I Dons Don's J Garage Cedar City Utah r. r j r a T T T. PAINE FRANKLIN Auctioneer |